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Chapter 14: Learning from each other Chapter 14: Learning from each other
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Chapter 14: Learning from each other

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The failed invasion turned out to be a stroke of luck, as the invaders have taught you a lot about the rest of the world. They come from a huge country that stretches from Europe to Asia, a region that retained more technology and memories of the past than North America did.

They remember more because the area around the Mediterranean Ocean has more people in a smaller area, with dry places nearby that preserve the past better. They don’t know exactly what happened, except that there was once a golden age of technology but then humanity “became arrogant and paid the price”.

Some of them find it funny that Toria is so advanced but still primitive in some areas.

One of them thinks that the news of the defeat will shake up their continent for a while. Europe will soon hear the news, and may start sending teams to Toria to see what they can learn from the people who so quickly destroyed the invading force.

Many who chose to remain are curious about SurrealDB and would like to join your team, and you are happy to show them. They gasp as you turn on the computer and bring up Surrealist in a window and start showing them a few things. It’s a real pleasure to see once again how people react to seeing modern technology for the very first time.

A closer look at Surrealist

This chapter is mostly devoted to looking at Surrealist in more depth, but also has a number of new ways to query your database such as table views, grouping, and versioning.

It’s more than likely that you’ve been using Surrealist for your queries throughout this book, but there are quite a few features that aren’t obvious at first glance. In addition, a few of them are only available on the desktop version. The desktop-only features are (unsurprisingly) thanks to the fact that you have access to a computer and its file system when running on a desktop.

For example, only the desktop version of Surrealist has the Start serving and Open console buttons on the top right. Clicking on Start serving will start a SurrealDB database in the same way that the surreal start command does, while Open console shows you the output that you would otherwise see on the command line.

The Surrealist desktop version also has other options besides memory to save your database. This can be accessed inside the Database Serving section of the Settings menu.

File association is another nice feature of the desktop version, because clicking on a .surql or .surrealql file will automatically open it up inside Surrealist on the desktop.

With that advertisement for the desktop version out of the way, let’s start taking a look at each of Surrealist’s views to see what functionality we might have missed and will find helpful to know.

Let’s start with Surrealist’s Explorer view.

Explorer view

The main purpose of the Explorer view is to allow you to explore the tables and records in your database without needing to put queries of your own together. This point-and-click functionality makes it the ideal first view to choose with for people who are not as tech savvy as you are, but still need to work with data.

Back in chapter 8, we finished up a multi-chapter project involving most of the characters from the old German story The Enchanted Knights. The project was focused on learning to use the RELATE statement and getting used to graph queries using the -> operator, as well as the beginnings of learning how to define schema. Let’s pull up the dataset from that chapter to see what it looks like inside Surrealist’s Explorer view.

Once the queries inside the dataset are run, you should be able to click on the person table on the left to see the data for all of the person records.

Besides pointing and clicking to see the data for your records, you can also directly modify them. Let’s give that a try with the record for person:adelaide, which should show the following data.

{ id: person:adelaide, name: 'Adelaide' }

However, Adelaide was the daughter who married the Eagle Knight, so she should be the owner of castle:eagle_castle too! We can add the third line below to make her an owner.

{ id: person:adelaide, name: 'Adelaide', // + properties: [building:eagle_castle] }

Then just click save changes! Just make sure that your changes conform to the schema. If you type something that does not conform to the schema like properties: { building: "Eagle Castle" } and click Save changes, nothing will happen.

Using the Explorer view to visualize relations

The Explorer view is also particularly nice when first learning to query on graph tables.

One of the challenges from chapter 8 was to put together a query that shows all of the grandchildren for every person record. Here it is in a similar form, except that we are following the path all the way to their name field.

SELECT ->parent_of->person->parent_of-> FROM person;

We are quite familiar with these queries by now, but the Explorer view lets us try it one step at a time to see what SurrealDB sees at each point. Let’s give this a try. We know that there is only one grandperson in our records, so we’ll start by clicking on person:grandmother.

The table below shows what SurrealDB sees during this query as we continue to follow the path one step at a time. Try following this one step at a time inside the Explorer view.

Part of queryActionResult
->parent_of->person->parent_of-> FROM personClick on outgoing parent_of relationparent_of relation between person:grandmother and person:the_nobleman
->parent_of->person->parent_of-> FROM personClick on person:the_noblemanAll relations for person:the_nobleman
->parent_of->person->parent_of-> FROM personClick on the first parent_of relationparent_of relation between person:the_nobleman and person:reginald
->parent_of->person->parent_of-> FROM personClick on person:reginaldAll relations for person:reginald
->parent_of->person->parent_of-> FROM personDone with relations, now click on Content to see the name’Reginald’

Note that at the person:reginald part of the query, we went straight to Reginald’s name property. However, we could have easily continued the relation query, because he has two parent_of relations, as well as an enemy_of relation. If we had followed the enemy_of relation, then we would have gotten all of the enemies of the grandchildren of the grandmother.

Here’s another example of a query that we can follow to see how SurrealDB goes through our queries one step at a time.

SELECT name, AS property_names, ->parent_of-> AS name_of_children FROM person;

We’ll follow the query by doing this:

  • Select any person. Let’s choose person:the_noblewoman.
  • SurrealDB now needs to find the value of the name field. It’s right there: ‘The Noblewoman’.
  • The next path is properties. The record building:old_castle shows up here. Hold Ctrl and click your mouse button here to get to it. We can see the next path: name, which has the value ‘Old castle’.
  • Click the back arrow to get back to person:the_noblewoman. Now we need to check her parent_of relations.
  • We can see four outgoing relations here. SurrealDB has to follow these relations, then move out into the person records, and find their names.

After all this clicking, we have finally simulated the path that SurrealDB follows every time we use a query like this. Putting all the data together, we have an output that looks like this.

{ name: 'The Noblewoman', name_of_children: [ 'Reginald', 'Wulfield', 'Bertha', 'Adelaide' ], property_names: [ 'Old castle' ] }

Designer view

The Designer view’s primary purpose is to work with your schema. We’ve learned that schema is the primary way to make your data work in the way that you expect. There is another benefit to schema, however: it allows Surrealist to visually display the schema as defined to make it easy for others to follow along.

And more importantly, the Designer view also shows you at a glance where your schema could use some extra definitions.

We can see this by taking a look at the schema from the Chapter 8 dataset that we have been using. The Designer view shows us that the schema is well defined in some areas, but incomplete in others.

The Designer view gives us the option to show Record links as part of the schema if we like. That can be done by clicking on the Graph Options button on the top right and selecting Show record links.

The Designer view shows the defined fields and whether they are optional or not, and moving the mouse arrow over each one will show further details if the field is optional. The properties field also shows that this is a record link to the building table (an array<record<building>>).

However, SurrealDB doesn’t know what to tell us about the three graph tables: parent_of, married, and enemy_of. We used statements like RELATE person:grandmother->parent_of->person:the_nobleman; to create these tables, but never specifically defined them as relations. They are simply being used as relations.

As we learned in Chapter 9, tables can be defined as relations with the following syntax:

DEFINE TABLE table_name TYPE RELATION IN record_name OUT record_name;

This can also be done through the Designer view too, so let’s practice that.

  • Click on parent_of, which should open up the menu to modify its settings.
  • Select Enforce schema to make it schemafull.
  • The table type is currently Any. Change it to Relation.
  • We can now specify what kind of relation is allowed. Change incoming tables to person, and outgoing tables to person.
  • Click on Save changes.

All of the other relations are person to person, so we can repeat the same process for married as well as enemy_of.

The resulting schema will now look much better! You can move the objects around with your mouse until they look just right.

All of these relation tables are from a person to person, so the path leading to each graph table always leads back to a person.

Let’s create a record called city:kago so that we can demonstrate what a relation from one table to a different table looks like. The Designer view should now show a city floating about on its own.

We’ll now create a graph table to connect person and city records. Click on the + button, select Relation, and give the table the name lives_in. The incoming table (the in part of the table) will be a person, and the outgoing table will be a city.

A look at the INFO FOR DB command shows that these tables now have definitions, except that this time we didn’t need to write them manually.


These DEFINE statements bring up another intesting point.

While the Designer view showed us an aspect about the schema that we couldn’t see in the DEFINE statements alone, these staments also show us something that the Designer view alone didn’t tell us: while most tables are of TYPE NORMAL or TYPE RELATION, the city table is of TYPE ANY - which includes relation tables!

In other words, SurrealDB will still let one person “city” another person (whatever that means?).

RELATE person:bertha->city->person:the_nobleman SET name = "Nice city";
The Nobleman gets 'citied' by Bertha
[ { id: city:7zrrq04dm5g548rx7blt, in: person:bertha, name: 'Nice city', out: person:the_nobleman } ]

We definitely don’t want that, so let’s click on city and change its table type to Normal.

Having done that, we can’t “city” a person to another person anymore. That’s a relief.

RELATE person:bertha->building->person:the_nobleman SET name = "Nice building", kind = "castle";
'Found record: `building:xwtzzq4krjdvv2nwqje7` which is not a relation, but expected a NORMAL'

So the best way to make sure that your schema is the way you intended it to be is to use a combination of Surrealist’s Designer view and reading manually through the database’s DEFINE statements.

DROP tables, table views, and grouping

Almost all of the items inside the Table designer inside the Designer view were probably already quite familiar to you, as we have already encountered them in previous chapters. Fields, indexes, even changefeeds and events are nothing new to us at this point.

But what about the “Drop writes to this table” box, what does it do?

The easiest way to find out is with experimentation. Let’s give it a try with a new table. Click on new table, name it weather, keep it schemaless, and then open up the Table designer and click on “Drop writes to this table”. If you check the INFO FOR DB command, you will see the keyword DROP added to the DEFINE TABLE statement for the weather table.

Next, we will create and then select some weather records to see what happens.

DEFINE TABLE weather DROP; CREATE weather SET temperature = 10.0, location = city:toria; CREATE weather SET temperature = 15.0, location = city:toria; SELECT * FROM weather;

The output of the last query seems to show that these weather records are indeed being created, but immediately disappear.

-------- Query -------- [ { id: weather:6o92se7ik3eoe8dq48y6, location: city:toria, temperature: 10 } ] -------- Query -------- [ { id: weather:gwwkii8idbq61gpta7d1, location: city:toria, temperature: 15 } ] -------- Query 3 -------- []

So that on its own isn’t very useful. However, there is a way to put these weather records to use, with something called a “table view”. A table view is a table that you define using the word AS, followed by a SELECT expression. You can think of a table view as a listener. Once it has been defined, it will continue to respond to new records for the table that it has been defined on.

Let’s give one a try. We’ll call it weather_data. It will use a SELECT on any weather records that we create, and continue to hold on to and add to the result of this expression even if the weather records are immediately dropped.

DEFINE TABLE weather_data AS SELECT * FROM weather;

After this, we can perform a SELECT * FROM weather_data. However, because it was defined after the weather records were dropped, it won’t return anything yet.

No problem! Our weather_data table is already set up and ready to listen for weather table events, so let’s just add a few.

INSERT INTO weather (location, temperature) VALUES (city:toria, 10.0), (city:toria, 15.0), (city:sukh, 9.5), (city:sukh, 10.1), (city:redmont, 16.0); SELECT * FROM weather_data;

The output shows from SELECT * FROM weather_data shows that this table view is indeed creating new records every time a weather table is created, before the weather data is dropped.

[ { id: weather_data:45thid2180ft0tpnuw17, location: city:sukh, temperature: 9.5f }, { id: weather_data:8usrtp0f0m0v40yndnzr, location: city:sukh, temperature: 10.1f }, { id: weather_data:cs4984kvxy7327dyxqgs, location: city:redmont, temperature: 16 }, { id: weather_data:st6nokx48pp226zw9h1w, location: city:toria, temperature: 15 }, { id: weather_data:y21yjx69z89n1hu4velq, location: city:toria, temperature: 10 } ]

Now let’s make this table view a bit more useful. One way to do so is by using the GROUP BY keyword, which lets us aggregate data to give total count, averages, and so on.

Let’s start with a GROUP BY query that SurrealDB will reject to see what it expects us to do with this clause. We’ll create some person records, give them an age, and then try to select their id while grouping by age. Note that there are two person records that are 20 years old, and just one that is 45.

CREATE person, person SET age = 20; CREATE person SET age = 45; SELECT id FROM person GROUP BY age;

The error here is pretty nice! It tells us that the SELECT part of a GROUP BY expression must contain the fields following GROUP BY, and can also contain an aggregate function.

'There was a problem with the database: Parse error: Missing group idiom `age` in statement selection --> [3:32] | 3 | SELECT id FROM person GROUP BY age; | ^^^ --> [3:8] | 3 | SELECT id FROM person GROUP BY age; | ^^ Idiom missing here '

So let’s change the final SELECT query to include only age, and to also group by age.

CREATE person, person SET age = 20; CREATE person SET age = 45; SELECT age FROM person GROUP BY age;

The output is now an array with two objects, one for each possible age. Even though there are two person records that have an age of 20, they have been grouped into a single object for the age that they share.

[ { age: 20 }, { age: 45 } ]

What makes a GROUP BY clause special is that you can add aggregate functions to the SELECT fields to perform calculations on each group before it is turned into an object. An aggregate function is a function that evaluates an entire array of values, such as count() or math::mean(). Let’s use count() to show that the age: 20 part of the first object actually comes from two records, not one.

CREATE person, person SET age = 20; CREATE person SET age = 45; SELECT count(), age FROM person GROUP BY age;
[ { age: 20, count: 2 }, { age: 45, count: 1 } ]

Now that we know how to group, let’s change the name of our weather_data table to weather_averages, and add the average temperatures with the math::mean() function.

DEFINE TABLE weather_averages AS SELECT location, count(), math::mean(temperature) AS avg_temp FROM weather GROUP BY location; INSERT INTO weather (location, temperature) VALUES (city:toria, 10.0), (city:toria, 15.0), (city:sukh, 9.5), (city:sukh, 10.1), (city:redmont, 16.0); SELECT * FROM weather_averages;

The output shows us the grouped info, as well as one other interesting point: each record returned also has its own automatically generated id (like weather_averages:[city:toria]) which represents the grouping we chose.

[ { avg_temp: 16dec, count: 1, id: weather_averages:[ city:redmont ], location: city:redmont }, { avg_temp: 9.8dec, count: 2, id: weather_averages:[ city:sukh ], location: city:sukh }, { avg_temp: 12.50dec, count: 2, id: weather_averages:[ city:toria ], location: city:toria } ]

In addition to GROUP BY, you can choose the GROUP ALL option when you want to get the aggregate values for an entire array of records. Take the following random temperature data for example, which creates 1000 records that each have a random temperature somewhere in between -30 and 40 degrees.

FOR $nothing IN 0..1000 { CREATE temp_reading SET val = math::round( rand() * 40 + -rand() * 30 ); };

To see the number of items and the average temperature, we can use the math::mean() and count() functions. But if we use GROUP BY for each of these fields, we will get a grouping that shows the number of items that have a temperature of -29, the number of items with a temperature of -27, and so on!

FOR $nothing IN 0..1000 { CREATE temp_reading SET val = math::round( rand() * 40 + -rand() * 30 ); }; SELECT math::mean(val) AS mean, count() AS num_items FROM temp_reading GROUP BY mean, num_items;
[ { mean: -29, num_items: 2 }, { mean: -27, num_items: 3 }, { mean: -26, num_items: 5 }, ... ]

Instead, we can use GROUP ALL so that the aggregate functions work on the full array of records returned instead of splitting into small groups.

FOR $nothing IN 0..1000 { CREATE temp_reading SET val = math::round( rand() * 40 + -rand() * 30 ); }; SELECT math::mean(val) AS mean, count() AS num_items FROM temp_reading GROUP ALL;

With that, the output finally shows the number of items and the average temperature, which will be around 4 or 5 degrees.

[ { mean: 4.762f, num_items: 1000 } ]

Table views offer better performance

Because table views are calculated ahead of time, they offer much better performance when performing queries on a large collection of records. We can demonstrate that with the example that we’ve just seen. Try running this example below which creates 500 temp_reading records and see what happens when you run it over and over and over again.

You should notice the execution time start to grow, because every time you run the query the database has to begin a table scan of each and every record, and every time there are 500 more of them than before.

LET $now = time::now(); FOR $nothing IN 0..500 { CREATE temp_reading SET val = math::round(rand() * 40 + -rand() * 30); }; -- Assign the SELECT to a variable that we don't read -- so that we don't have to see the output LET $nothing = SELECT math::mean(val) AS mean, count() AS num_items FROM temp_reading GROUP ALL; RETURN time::now() - $now;

So let’s replace that with a table view. The table temp_reading will now become a drop table, and the query that we have been using to select and group the data will now be defined as a table called temp_averages.

DEFINE TABLE temp_reading DROP; DEFINE TABLE temp_averages AS SELECT math::mean(val) AS mean, count() AS num_items FROM temp_reading GROUP ALL;

With those definitions in place, let’s keep adding 500 items at a time, but selecting from the pre-computed temp_averages table instead. The increasing delay should be gone now, because all SurrealDB has to do every time we run the queries is create 500 records and update the average a bit.

LET $now = time::now(); FOR $nothing IN 0..500 { CREATE temp_reading SET val = math::round(rand() * 40 + -rand() * 30); }; SELECT * FROM temp_averages; RETURN time::now() - $now;

With table views and grouping out of the way, let’s get back to the features of Surrealist.

Sharing and embedding queries in Surrealist

When you have a query that you need help with, the first step is to find a place to get help. You might try asking on the SurrealDB Discord server (our most active community), or on GitHub, or on Reddit, or somewhere else. But regardless of where you ask the question, the hardest part is getting someone to help you with your query. Ideally, you want to have an example that anyone can quickly experiment with so that it doesn’t take much work to find the solution.

Surrealist has your back here, by allowing you to put together an embedded sample of your query at As you put your query together inside this area, you’ll notice that a URL is being created that matches it. Once you are done, you can just paste this URL in to allow anyone else to hop in and give your query a try.

Take this query that uses a geofunction from Chapter 10, for example. Why is it returning NONE instead of the area of the polygon? With this link, it’s easy for anyone to give it a try and find out what is going on.

The answer is directly below, but it has been hidden in case you want to try to solve the problem yourself.


The function geo::area() takes an array of arrays, in order to accept complex types like MultiPolygon along with Polygon. Adding an extra set of [] braces will fix the input.

RETURN geo::area({ type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-110.0006, 59.9872], [-102.0861, 59.9947], [-101.3903, 48.9766], [-109.9867, 49.0249] ] ] }); RETURN geo::area({ type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [102.0, 2.0], [103.0, 2.0], [103.0, 3.0], [102.0, 3.0], [102.0, 2.0] ] ], [ [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ], [ [100.2, 0.2], [100.2, 0.8], [100.8, 0.8], [100.8, 0.2], [100.2, 0.2] ] ] ] });

A second button inside Surrealist Mini allows you to generate code to embed the code sample inside a website…or inside a book like this very one! You will be very familiar with this functionality by this point thanks to the embedded Surrealist window in the chapters of this book.

Start serving (only desktop)

In the summer of 2024, Surrealist’s desktop version gained the ability to start serving in a similar manner to the surreal start command. However, it does not automatically connect you to the database that has just started serving.

We can go step by step through the process of starting and connecting to a server to make sure that we understand how the behaviour works.

  • Open Surrealist desktop in sandbox mode and then click on the Start serving button.
  • Click on the Open console button just to the right of the Start serving button to see the database logs.
  • One of the logs notes that the “root user ‘root’ will be created”.
  • Let’s test this out with the CLI. Type surreal sql --namespace ns --database db, which should allow us to connect but without permission to do anything. A statement like CREATE person will simply return ['IAM error: Not enough permissions to perform this action'].
  • Now exit and log in with surreal sql --namespace ns --database db --user root --password root, and type CREATE person. This time we have logged in as an authenticated user, so a person record should be created.
  • Go back to Surrealist and type USE NAMESPACE ns and USE DATABASE db, then SELECT * FROM person. Nothing will show up. At this point, Surrealist is serving a database but is connected to the sandbox, not the database that it’s serving. We can fix that now.
  • Click on the icon on the top left that says Sandbox, which is our current running session in Surrealist. You should see Connections and a New session button below. Click on the pencil icon on the right of New session to edit it.
  • Change the namespace name to ns, and the database name to db, and click save.
  • Now type USE NAMESPACE ns and USE DATABASE db, then SELECT * FROM person again. You should see the record that you created inside the CLI!

So the usage of the Start serving feature is fairly straightforward, just don’t forget that Start serving has to be followed up by connecting to a session that matches the database that you started serving.

Import and export

The Explorer view of Surrealist has two small buttons on the bottom that let you export your current data, and import new data. Both of these functions can be done on the command line as well, with the surreal import and surreal export commands.

Data can be imported in two ways: from a .surql file, or a .csv (comma-separated values) file. There is nothing particularly surprising to the behaviour here.

Exporting data is pretty easy too, and Surrealist lets you choose which parts of your database to export and which not to export. The output is a .surql file that is neatly divided into the parts of the database that have been exported.

You might notice two things inside the exported file:

  • OPTION IMPORT. This is a keyword used only during exports that you don’t have to use yourself. It ensures that side effects don’t run during the export, such as events or table views.
  • UPDATE. Because UPDATE on a record ID used to create the record by default if it did not exist, this is the current output of the export command. SurrealDB 2.0.0 is currently under development and will change UPDATE to INSERT.

So a pre-2.0.0 export will look like this:

UPDATE building:bear_castle CONTENT { id: building:bear_castle, kind: 'castle', name: 'Bear castle' };
UPDATE building:eagle_castle CONTENT { id: building:eagle_castle, kind: 'castle', name: 'Eagle castle' };

But a post-2.0.0 export will look like this.

INSERT building:bear_castle CONTENT { id: building:bear_castle, kind: 'castle', name: 'Bear castle' };
INSERT building:eagle_castle CONTENT { id: building:eagle_castle, kind: 'castle', name: 'Eagle castle' };

This chapter was a bit shorter than the others in order to take a little break before the next one. Before we end it though, let’s take a look at another one of SurrealDB’s newest bits of functionality that is only available through the storage layer SurrealKV.

SurrealKV and the VERSION keyword

We won’t get into the details of SurrealKV in this book, but there is a single keyword that only SurrealKV can use that you will want to familiarize yourself with: VERSION.

Using the keyword is pretty simple: just add VERSION and a datetime to queries like CREATE and SELECT.

CREATE something VERSION d"2024-09-15";
SELECT * FROM something VERSION d"2024-09-16";

Neither of these queries will work when using SurrealDB in memory or another storage layer, and it won’t work in the runnable Surrealist embed either. Instead, you’ll see the following error.

'The underlying datastore does not support versioned queries'

As we learned back in Chapter 3, we can start a database with a certain storage layer by giving it a path that begins with the name of the layer to use. So if we add surrealkv:somedatabase to the surreal start command, it will recognize that we want to use SurrealKV and create a database with the path somedatabase.

surreal start --user root --pass root surrealkv:somedatabase

Once this command has started a new database instance, we can try these queries with VERSION again. First we’ll create a bunch of some something records, each with a different datetime after VERSION.

CREATE something VERSION d"2024-09-16"; CREATE something VERSION d"2024-09-17"; CREATE something VERSION d"2024-09-18"; SELECT * FROM something;

The final SELECT query shows that this VERSION keyword hasn’t done anything to the visibile data, as each record simply has an id and nothing else.

[ { id: something:mbei8oll3jjvcwt6rjy6 }, { id: something:ou0t498qyi7r0mmy0d5g }, { id: something:s49tjrkau10kc2a701ve } ]

However, if we add VERSION and a datetime to the final SELECT query, we can see something interesting: instead of returning each record, it returns a snapshot of all these records as of that date.

Let’s go back in time to the morning of September 17th, 2024. It’s 9 o’clock UTC and Londoners are drinking their morning tea. What did our something records look like as of that date? Let’s find out.

SELECT * FROM something VERSION d"2024-09-17T09:00:00Z";

The answer is…just two of them! Even though the database currently holds three.

[ { id: something:ou0t498qyi7r0mmy0d5g }, { id: something:s49tjrkau10kc2a701ve } ]

Note that with a VERSION that includes future dates, a query will default to returning the current state of all the records. So this query that includes a VERSION of for the 17th of September 2024 will return these three something records, even though later on the same query might show more than that. SurrealDB isn’t (yet??) capable of predicting what records will be there in the future.

SELECT * FROM something VERSION d"2025-09-17T09:00:00Z";

Aeon and the team will certainly be using SurrealKV as their storage layer, since the dates they use in their calendar (it’s currently the year 444 for them) work perfectly well as datetimes!

CREATE financial_transaction CONTENT { -- lots of important data here } VERSION d"0444-04-19";

In the next chapter, we will learn about configuring the users of your database and keeping it safe.