There are a number of ways of running SurrealDB. It can either
be installed from a binary image, or it can be run from within
Docker. Once installed, the surreal
command is a single
executable which can be used to backup, interact with, and run SurrealDB
server instances.
The latest version of SurrealDB is v2.2.0
brew install surrealdb/tap/surreal
curl -sSf | sh
iwr -useb | iex
Alternatively SurrealDB is available for installation, on Windows, via the Chocolatey package manager, from an administrative shell - enabling easy installation and upgrading.
choco install surreal
Alternatively SurrealDB is available for installation, on Windows, via the Scoop package manager, from an administrative shell - enabling easy installation and upgrading.
scoop install surrealdb
docker run --rm --pull always -p 8000:8000 surrealdb/surrealdb:latest start