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Your personal AI assistant
for all things Surreal

Hello! I'm Sidekick Hello! I'm Sidekick hover

Hello! I'm Sidekick

Sidekick is your integrated AI companion in SurrealDB, ready to assist with database tasks.

Your personal assistant Your personal assistant hover

Your personal assistant

Sidekick helps streamline your work with instant query generation, schema suggestions, and tailored solutions.

Your personal writer Your personal writer hover

Your personal writer

Sidekick crafts clear, concise queries, code snippets, and documentation.

Your personal teacher Your personal teacher hover

Your personal teacher

Sidekick explains complex concepts, shares best practices, and ensures you understand every aspect of SurrealDB.

Your personal detective Your personal detective hover

Your personal detective

Sidekick pinpoints issues, troubleshoots errors, and guides you through resolving problems.

The future The future hover

The future

Sidekick will continually evolve, offering even smarter and more intuitive guidance as SurrealDB progresses.