Surreal Cloud is LIVE! Get started for free.

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Build real-time apps faster
with the world's most powerful
multi-model database

Zero maintenance. Zero hassle.

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One platform,
unlimited possibilities

Multi-model: for all types of data Multi-model: for all types of data hover

Multi-model: for all types of data

Handle relational, document, graph, time series, key value, vector and search, in one place.

Simplicity that scales Simplicity that scales hover

Simplicity that scales

Scale compute and storage separately, from 0 to 100s of nodes and back to 0, without sharding.

Superior developer experience Superior developer experience hover

Superior developer experience

SurrealQL is intuitive and easy to learn, blending SQL familiarity with modern flexibility.

AI made easy AI made easy hover

AI made easy

Build generative AI apps with vectors, knowledge graphs, and in-database ML capabilities.

Transactional and analytical Transactional and analytical hover

Transactional and analytical

Built for data intensive applications and real-time analytics.

Advanced security Advanced security hover

Advanced security

Built-in access controls, granular table, row and field-level permissions.

Query the way you want without switching between databases

Learn about SurrealQL


SELECT,, pr.price FROM person p INNER JOIN order o ON = o.person_id LEFT JOIN product pr ON o.product_id =

SurrealDB SurrealQL

SELECT name, ->order->product.{name, price}
FROM person

MQL[ { "$match": { "_id": "01FXNDZ2C893992S408TX4MYYQ" } }, { "$lookup": { "from": "person", "localField": "person", "foreignField": "_id", "as": "person" } }, { "$project": { "_id": 0, "rating": 1, "review_text": 1, "": 1, "": 1 } } ])

SurrealDB SurrealQL

SELECT rating, review_text,, FROM review:01FXNDZ2C893992S408TX4MYYQ


MATCH (p:Person)-[:ORDER]->(pr:Product) RETURN,, pr.price

SurrealDB SurrealQL

SELECT name, ->order->product.{name, price}
FROM person

Built by developers, loved by developers

Explore our case studies

"I think it's going to change how we query databases."

Anup Jadhav

Director, Salesforce


"It's fast, small, can run on browser, edge and cloud. It can handle large data. It can run in-memory like Redis or disk like SQLite and it can run multi-cluster. It can sync between cloud and edge. And to top of it off, it can also run as a graphdb."

Chris Hay

Distinguished Engineer, IBM iX


"There is a pretty good use case to using it in some serious projects."

Jeff Delaney

Tech Influencer, Fireship


Surreal Cloud. The Cloud for everyone.



Ideal for passion projects, simple websites, and getting started with the power of SurrealDB.

What you get

  • 1 GB storage
  • Limited compute node size
  • Social authentication


  • Community support
  • Surreal Sidekick AI copilot
Start for free





Designed for production applications with scalable power. Resources and costs adjust to meet your needs.

Everything in individual, plus

  • Vertically scalable compute
  • Daily automated backups
  • Multiple organisations *
  • Horizontally scalable compute *
  • Workload isolation with centralised data *
  • Team collaboration *


  • Community support
  • Surreal Sidekick AI copilot
Get started


Contact us

For large-scale applications handling enterprise workloads.

Everything in start, plus

  • Enterprise support
  • Technical account manager
  • Dedicated communication channel
  • Self-hosted support
  • Advanced compliance (HIPAA, PCI) *
  • AWS PrivateLink connectivity *

* Coming soon

Surrealist, a surreal user interface

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Surreal Sidekick. Your personal AI assistant for all things Surreal.

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