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Consolidate your
database stack

Unify relational, document, graph, and more, without
compromising flexibility, scalability, or performance.

The problem

Database sprawl is costly and complex. Applications need diverse data models - SQL for transactions, JSON for unstructured data, and graphs for relationships. Managing multiple databases like PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Neo4j leads to duplication, integration headaches, and expensive overhead.

Vendor sprawl

Pay (and manage) 5+ services for necessary features.

Latency bottlenecks

Updates in one system cause issues elsewhere.

Real-time rigidity

Bolt-on services introduce unnecessary database latency.

The solution

SurrealDB’s multi-model architecture. It unifies relational, document, graph, time-series, and vector data - accessible through one query language. No more fragmentation.

Benefits of consolidation with SurrealDB

Lower costs Lower costs hover

Lower costs

Cut support fees, infrastructure costs, and dev time.

Simplify development Simplify development hover

Simplify development

One API, one query language, one source of truth.

More possibilities More possibilities hover

More possibilities

Blend models (e.g., graph-enriched docs with analytics).

Future-proof Future-proof hover


Adapt to new needs without adding more databases.

Ready to consolidate?

Get started with SurrealDB: the multi-model database for modern applications, eliminating outdated complexity.