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Chapter 7: A rude surprise Chapter 7: A rude surprise
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Chapter 7: A rude surprise

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What a day! It wasn’t until sundown that Landevin and his group finally left for the town. They had come to deliver the concerns of the town council about your project. According to them, there was “probably a reason that the ancients destroyed their knowledge” and that you were repeating their mistakes by moving so quickly. They were also disturbed that databases could delete knowledge so quickly. Well, that part disturbed you too, to be honest…

You were eventually able to convince them of the benefits of the project by giving them a small tour. Their jaws dropped as they saw just how much knowledge there was to benefit from and how much good it could do.

You frown. Just how did they find out about deleting records anyway? You decide to have a serious talk with your team members tomorrow about confidentiality. You should also do something about security. You were able to convince the reasonable Landevin about your project, but what if it had been someone else, like a group with torches and pitchforks? Closing the security door is always an option, but you want to keep it a secret unless you really need it one day.

A certain wealthy lady has been visiting you lately for information from the new database, which she already finds quite useful. Tomorrow you will ask her to lend you a dozen of her armed men to ensure that you aren’t surprised again.

More advanced relational queries

As Aeon finally calms down and returns to the German folk tale, we can follow along and see how the relations are starting to get more complex. If you are reading this book in traditional book form, you can find the current dataset here as of the end of last chapter.

In addition to our parent_of graph table, we are going to need to use RELATE to create another sort of family relation.

What sort of relation will that be? Let’s continue the story to find out. As you read it, try to imagine how you would create them in a database.

One morning, the poor nobleman went into the forest to hunt for his dinner. He had no luck, and eventually fell asleep. He hearn a sound and woke up to see a ferocious bear heading straight towards him - a bear that could talk!

The nobleman begged for his life. “Oh please, sir bear, spare me and let me live!”

The bear agreed, but only if he would give his eldest daughter to him to marry the next week. The nobleman agreed and ran back to his castle.

The nobleman locked all the gates to the castle, but to no avail: the gates simply opened when his daughter’s new husband arrived. To his surprise, the bear was now a handsome prince who paid the nobleman a huge sum for the marriage and took Wulfield away.

Unsurprisingly, the nobleman wasted all the money and became poor again.

Over the next few months, two similar events happened to the nobleman again. First he was attacked by a huge eagle, and next on by a massive fish. In both cases he agreed to allow them to marry his daughters, and they turned out to be handsome princes who took them away.

The nobleman wasted his money again, his daughters were gone, and now he and his wife were alone.


It seems that the nobleman now has three sons-in-law who are knights that are sometimes forced to transform into terrible creatures. That gives us some new records to create, along with a new graph table to represent their relations. These three knights all have their own properties too, castles that are much nicer than the nobleman’s empty one.

We could use CREATE to make these building records, but for multiple records there is an easier way. It’s called INSERT, and is followed by INTO and the table name. We have a number of options at this point, one of which is an object or an array of objects. We can use this method to insert three castles at once.

INSERT INTO building [ { id: "bear_castle", name: "Bear castle", kind: "castle" }, { id: "eagle_castle", name: "Eagle castle", kind: "castle" }, { id: "fish_castle", name: "Fish castle", kind: "castle" }, ];

Note that SurrealDB recognizes with the id field that we are specifying our own IDs, and doesn’t generate a random id in this case.

[ { id: building:bear_castle, kind: 'castle', name: 'Bear castle' }, { id: building:eagle_castle, kind: 'castle', name: 'Eagle castle' }, { id: building:fish_castle, kind: 'castle', name: 'Fish castle' } ]

Another way to do the same thing is to insert using values instead of objects. This can be done by putting the field names into a tuple after INTO, then adding VALUES, and as many tuples as you like to populate these fields with the values inside. The query below will produce the exact same result:

INSERT INTO building (id, name, kind) VALUES ("bear_castle", "Bear castle", "castle"), ("eagle_castle", "Eagle castle", "castle"), ("fish_castle", "Fish castle", "castle");

INSERT lets you create multiple relations at a time too, by changing INSERT to INSERT RELATION. The query will work as long as you include a minimum of which record is in and which record is out. Here is how we could have used INSERT RELATION to create the parent_of relations in the last chapter:

INSERT RELATION INTO parent_of (in, out) VALUES (person:the_nobleman, person:adelaide), (person:the_nobleman, person:bertha);

Besides happening inside a single query, INSERT RELATION is particularly nice if you want to create a complex and/or dynamic ID for the record, which the RELATE statement isn’t clever enough to parse.

INSERT RELATION INTO parent_of (in, out, id) VALUES (person:the_nobleman, person:adelaide, <string>time::now()), (person:the_nobleman, person:bertha, { at: time::now() });
[ { id: parent_of:⟨2024-07-29T04:35:45.357231Z⟩, in: person:the_nobleman, out: person:adelaide }, { id: parent_of:{ at: d'2024-07-29T04:35:45.357262Z' }, in: person:the_nobleman, out: person:bertha } ]


Both CREATE and INSERT will return an error if a record of the same ID already exists.

CREATE person:the_nobleman SET name = "Hi im the nobleman"; INSERT INTO person [ { id: "the_nobleman", name: "Hi im the nobleman" } ];
-------- Query -------- 'Database record `person:the_nobleman` already exists' -------- Query -------- 'Database record `person:the_nobleman` already exists'

However, INSERT comes with an interesting clause called ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE that lets you instruct SurrealDB what to do in case it finds a duplicate.

Let’s imagine that we are keeping track of the population of the towns nearby. Here is the data for the town of Toria as of their year 424:

CREATE town:toria SET name = "Toria", population = 20685, year = <datetime>"0424-01-01";

Ten years later, perhaps Aeon’s project is going well and the towns are growing. Our INSERT INTO contains some new data, but we’d like to keep the old data around too. We can do this by using += to add the current data to a new field called historical_data. But the field names population and year are the same in both the existing and the new record. What can we do?

INSERT INTO town [ { id: "toria", population: 25212, year: <datetime>"0434-01-01" } ] ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE historical_data += { year: year, population: population }, population = population, -- What do we write here? year = year; -- And here?

Fortunately, INSERT gives us access to the new record through the parameter $input. We can use this to access the fields of the record we were trying to insert, putting the data into the record that already exists in the database.

INSERT INTO town [ { id: "toria", population: 25212, year: <datetime>"0434-01-01" } ] ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE historical_data += { year: year, population: population }, population = $input.population, year = $input.year;
[ { historical_data: [ { population: 20685, year: d'0424-01-01T00:00:00Z' } ], id: town:toria, name: 'Toria', population: 25212, year: d'0434-01-01T00:00:00Z' } ]


One final note: don’t forget to add the historical data first, because if you set population and year first, those will become the values of the existing record and then the new values would be entered into historical_data. Order matters here.

Using the output of SELECT inside INSERT to duplicate data

Here’s a small tip: because INSERT can take an array of records, and SELECT returns an array of records, we can combine the two!

Imagine that we have some schemafull building records that we’d like to experiment with but don’t want to touch its schema or make any changes to the existing data. In this case, we can use INSERT INTO to copy the entire content into a different table name and then work with that data.

INSERT INTO building_schemaless (SELECT * FROM building);

This will create a table called building_schemaless with all the data from building, but no schema. This INSERT INTO <table_name> (SELECT * FROM existing_table_name) pattern is an easy way to experiment with your existing data without making any changes to it.

And for tables with a lot of data, you can use LIMIT to only bring in a certain number of records. The query below will select only the first 100:

INSERT INTO building_schemaless (SELECT * FROM building LIMIT 100);

With these quick tips out of the way, it’s time to turn to another mental challenge: understanding relations in which who is in and who is out aren’t clear.

Bidirectional querying when a relationship is equal

We haven’t created the person records for the three knights yet, so let’s get around to that. They can all be created inside a single INSERT statement.

INSERT INTO person [ { id: "bear_knight", name: "Bear knight", money: 100000, properties: [building:bear_castle ] }, { id: "eagle_knight", name: "Eagle knight", money: 200000, properties: [building:eagle_castle] }, { id: "fish_knight", name: "Fish knight", money: 500000, properties: [building:fish_castle] }, ];
[ { id: person:bear_knight, money: 100000, name: 'Bear knight', properties: [ building:bear_castle ] }, { id: person:eagle_knight, money: 200000, name: 'Eagle knight', properties: [ building:eagle_castle ] }, { id: person:fish_knight, money: 500000, name: 'Fish knight', properties: [ building:fish_castle ] } ]

With these inserts complete, we can now do a query to see the names of all the properties of people that own them. To achieve this, we can add a WHERE properties IS NOT NONE at the end.

SELECT name, AS properties FROM person WHERE properties IS NOT NONE;
[ { name: 'Bear knight', properties: [ 'Bear castle' ] }, { name: 'Eagle knight', properties: [ 'Eagle castle' ] }, { name: 'Fish knight', properties: [ 'Fish castle' ] }, { name: 'The Nobleman', properties: [ 'Old castle' ] }, { name: 'The Noblewoman', properties: [ 'Old castle' ] } ]

Now it’s time to marry them.

Choosing a name for this relationship is fairly easy: we can just go with married. However, this graph relationship is going to be a bit different than the parent_of relation we created in the last chapter. In the last chapter, it was clear who was in and who was out in the parent_of graph table. For parent_of, in will always be a parent, and out will always be a child.

RELATE person:the_nobleman->parent_of->person:wulfield;

But with something like a friendship or a marriage we have a bidirectional relationship with equal standing, where it isn’t obvious which record should be in and which should be out. For example, what if the Nobleman and the Bear Knight become best of friends, what then? Should the Nobleman be located at the in field of the friend_of table, or vice versa?

-- This way? RELATE person:the_nobleman->friend_of->person:bear_knight; -- Or this way? RELATE person:bear_knight->friend_of->person:the_nobleman;

In this small tale we could have chosen an easy workaround by renaming married to husband_of or wife_of, but marriages tend to vary by era and culture and who knows what marriages are like in Aeon’s time. Plus, thinking of marriages as more of a generic relationship will help us learn the current concept better.

Getting back to our concrete example, how do we query a married graph table if we RELATE from husband to wife in one case, and vice versa in the next?

// Husband marries wife... RELATE person:eagle_knight->married->person:adelaide; // Or wife marries husband RELATE person:wulfield->married->person:bear_knight;

Fortunately, there is one more arrow direction we can choose from, written <->. This is a bidirectional operator that traverses both in and out instead of just one or the other.

To give this operator a try, first we’ll marry the four couples in a fairly random fashion.

RELATE person:eagle_knight->married->person:adelaide; RELATE person:wulfield->married->person:bear_knight; RELATE person:bertha->married->person:fish_knight; RELATE person:the_nobleman->married->person:the_noblewoman;

Our married graph table now doesn’t indicate to us through in or out who is the husband or the wife.

As a result, the unidirectional ->married->person query below only tells us who is in and out on the married graph edge, even though the knights and the daughters are married to each other!

SELECT id, ->married->person AS married FROM person;

The output from this query is far from ideal. We would like the query starting FROM person to show the entire married couple, but because ->married->person only shows us the path from in to out, it will only show a result when the query matches the order we used to relate the records. Definitely not the query we want to use in this case!

[ { id: person:adelaide, married: [] }, { id: person:bear_knight, married: [] }, { id: person:bertha, married: [ person:fish_knight ] }, ... and so on ... ]

This is where bidirectional graph querying comes in. Let’s change -> in both cases to <->, which will now traverse both in and out.

SELECT id, <->married<->person AS married FROM person;
[ { id: person:adelaide, married: [ person:eagle_knight, person:adelaide ] }, { id: person:bear_knight, married: [ person:wulfield, person:bear_knight ] }, ... and so on ...

This is looking somewhat better. There is some duplication in the results because it starts from a person record and ends up finding both participants in the marriage, which includes the original person record we started the query from. We’ll fix that soon.

But first, let’s make sure that we understand exactly how we got these results. The query above does the following:

  • Starts with a person record,
  • Checks both in and out of the married graph edge via <->. It finds the person record at one of them and follows this path.
  • Inside, it sees person records at both in and out. The <-> operator tells it to return both of them.

We can demonstrate this behaviour a bit more by changing <->married<->person into two other forms that won’t work as intended: ->married<->person and <->married->person. Look at the arrows before we try these queries out and think about why they won’t work.

Using ->married<->person:

SELECT id, ->married<->person AS married FROM person;

This query won’t work, because ->married accesses the in part of married, and not all of our married characters are connected via in.

[ { id: person:adelaide, married: [] }, { id: person:bear_knight, married: [] }, { id: person:bertha, married: [ person:bertha, person:fish_knight ] }, // ... and so on ...

Using <->married->person:

SELECT id, <->married->person AS married FROM person;

This query won’t work in a different way. While <->married does check to see if the person record is either an in or an out on the married graph edge, it then only accesses out on the way out via married->person. But the person we started the query might be located at out. As a result, it now looks like Adelaide has only gotten married to Adelaide, and the Bear Knight to the Bear Knight!

[ { id: person:adelaide, married: [ person:adelaide ] }, { id: person:bear_knight, married: [ person:bear_knight ] }, { id: person:bertha, married: [ person:fish_knight ] }, ... and so on ...

So <->married<->person is definitely the way to go. However, how can we filter out the response so that we can see just the person along with the person’s spouse instead of this?

{ id: person:adelaide, married: [ person:eagle_knight, person:adelaide ] },

We can use a little query magic here, starting with a function called array::complement. This function returns whatever values are not shared between two arrays. Here is a quick example:

RETURN [1,2,3,4,5].complement([2,3,4]);
RETURN array::complement([person:eagle_knight, person:adelaide], [person:eagle_knight]);
[ 1, 5 ] [ person:adelaide ]

And since <->married<->person returns an array of record IDs, we can put that inside the array::complement function. Note that the query below encloses id in an array by changing it to [id].

SELECT id, array::complement(<->married<->person, [id]) AS partner FROM person;
[ { id: person:adelaide, partner: [ person:eagle_knight ] }, { id: person:bear_knight, partner: [ person:wulfield ] }, { id: person:bertha, partner: [ person:fish_knight ] }, ... and so on ... ]

Finally, we can flatten the structure a bit by using [0] to pull out the first item.

SELECT id, array::complement(<->married<->person, [id])[0] AS partner FROM person;
[ { id: person:adelaide, partner: person:eagle_knight }, { id: person:bear_knight, partner: person:wulfield }, { id: person:bertha, partner: person:fish_knight }, { id: person:eagle_knight, partner: person:adelaide }, { id: person:fish_knight, partner: person:bertha }, { id: person:the_nobleman, partner: person:the_noblewoman }, { id: person:the_noblewoman, partner: person:the_nobleman }, { id: person:wulfield, partner: person:bear_knight } ]

As far as queries go, that’s not too bad. But there are some improvements we could make such as finding a way to ensure that you can’t marry a couple through one person on one side, and then again on the other. Because at the moment the following two RELATE statements are still possible:

-- Marry Bertha to the Fish Knight... RELATE person:bertha->married->person:fish_knight; -- And then marry the Fish Knight to Bertha! This should not be allowed to happen RELATE person:fish_knight->married->person:bertha;

We’ll give that a try in the next chapter, along with some longer relational queries.

Practice time
1. Some new data has come in for your building table. Should you use UPSERT or INSERT to do it, or will both work?

Here is the data:

CREATE building:1 SET name = "Toria town hall"; CREATE building:2 SET name = "Toria castle"; CREATE building:3 SET name = "Toria merchants' guild"; LET $data = [ { id: 1, name: "Toria town hall", floors: 3 }, { id: 2, name: "Toria castle", floors: 10 } ];

It looks like the new data includes all the existing id and name fields, plus extra data for floors. So in this case UPSERT will work:

FOR $item IN $data { UPSERT type::thing("building", $ SET floors = $item.floors };

But INSERT will work as well.

INSERT INTO building $data ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE floors = $input.floors;

2. In which case will only INSERT be the right choice, and not UPSERT?

Thanks to ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, INSERT will usually be the right choice if you need complex logic that compares an existing record to the attempted new one.

The following example shows a note being added if a building’s floors data is changed, and is not NONE.

CREATE building:1 SET name = "Toria town hall", floors = 3; CREATE building:2 SET name = "Toria castle", floors = 9; CREATE building:3 SET name = "Toria merchants' guild"; LET $data = [ { id: 1, name: "Toria town hall", floors: 3 }, { id: 2, name: "Toria castle", floors: 10 }, { id: 3, floors: 1 } ]; INSERT INTO building $data ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE note = IF floors IS NOT NONE AND floors != $input.floors { "Changed from " + <string>floors + " floors to " + <string>$input.floors } ELSE { NONE }, floors = $input.floors;

3. Is it possible to create a relation with an ID that is the output of a function?

Yes, by using the INSERT RELATION statement. Here is one quick example that uses an ID that is a random datetime:

INSERT RELATION INTO likes { in: cat:one, out: cat:two, id: <string>rand::time() };

4. Would you need to use the <-> syntax for a relation query on a table called wrote?

No, as this is clearly a relation with a writer and something that is being written. As such, the final two queries in the example below will return the same output whether you use -> or <->.

CREATE person:one; CREATE article:one; RELATE person:one->wrote->article:one; SELECT ->wrote FROM person; SELECT <->wrote FROM person;

5. What about for a relation query on a table called likes?

Maybe, depending on how you set up your schema and assertions. But if you are working with something that is schemaless in which Record A can relate itself to Record B and vice versa, you will want to use <-> such as in this simple example.

CREATE person:one; CREATE person:two; RELATE person:one->likes->person:two; RELATE person:two->likes->person:one; SELECT id, <->likes->person.complement([id]) AS friends FROM person;