Time elapsed: 20y
More years have passed, and the electrification of the cities has started again. This progress is unsurprising, because the tunnel itself uses electricity and everyone from Toria is familiar with it. In addition, the books in the library contain diagrams of how to store and use electricity. This has let you jump ahead without the awkward inventions of the past such as this one known as a “voltaic pile”. The inventor was certainly a genius, but you have access to better methods than this one!
Your Chappe telegraph network now reaches beyond the mountains and across half of the continent. You have discovered that people still live in many of the great cities of the past — as long as the climate was comfortable enough. One of them is a city called Kago, once known as Chicago, that is fairly large. But the cities in the hot desert to the southeast are long gone. Nobody could live there after the technology to cool the air disappeared.
One abandoned city was called Phoenix, whose name you found interesting. A phoenix was an ancient mythical bird that died and came back to life. If electricity allows air conditioning to come back, could Phoenix be reborn again?
Meanwhile, rediscovering electricity has allowed the electric telegraph to be recreated. This system is both faster and more accurate, and has made it possible to start experimenting with financial transactions. A simple service to send funds has even been set up at the banks!
Landevin spends much time exploring the mainland, but has heard about the new financial system and has dropped by to see how it works.
Now that we have gotten to the subject of finance, it’s time to learn how transactions work.
A transaction in a database lets you run a series of statements, and only commit the changes once you are satisfied that they have all run according to plan. Transactions are necessary when it comes to actions that should either happen together, or not at all.
The classic example of a transaction is that of sending money from one person to another. One person should lose their money at the exact same time that the other person receives it.
A transaction is easy enough in the real world, because many actions by nature involve a change in state for both sides of an action:
Action | One side | Other side |
Eating food | Person: Becomes full | Food: Is deleted |
Seeing someone | Person 1: Aware of person 2 | Person 2: State changes from “unseen” to “seen” |
Child is born | Person 1: State changes to “parent” | Person 2: State changes to “born” |
Pass money to other person | Person 1: Money drops by $10 | Person 2: Money increases by $10 |
None of these changes can happen without a change to each side.
But in the electronic world it’s a bit different. In a database, you could change a person’s state from ‘hungry’ to ‘full’ but forget to reduce the volume of food by the amount eaten. In real life this would be impossible: you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Similarly, what if you increased the amount in one person’s account by a thousand dollars before the other account loses it? For a moment, the world itself would have an extra thousand dollars that doesn’t actually exist!
So transactions can be often thought of as a way to make sure that changes in a database occur in the same way that they do in the real world.
However, most of the time you don’t need to manually do a transaction. For example, using RELATE
to create a graph table in the query below will instantly relate a company
to an employee
without any extra effort needed. There will never be a situation where a company has hired an employee that is still in an unemployed state.
RELATE company:1->employs->person:1;
But something like a money transfer is a different matter. It involves the following:
Here we simply have two actions that need to happen at the same time, but it’s not creating a defined relationship between two objects. This is a case for when a manual transaction can make sense.
Let’s imagine that a money transfer needs to take place in Aeon’s world. Landevin is helping out at the office today and sees that two new people called Laurence and Asmodean have been added to the financial system. To add them, we’ll just use an INSERT
statement to give them a name along with some talers and pennings, the equivalent of dollars and pennies in the current day.
INSERT INTO person [ { name: "Laurence Molkier", talers: 100, pennings: 50 }, { name: "Asmodean Fitch", talers: 200, pennings: 10 }, ];
Then a telegram comes in saying that Laurence’s balance needs to be reduced by 10. Maybe he withdrew some money? A quick UPDATE
will do the trick here.
UPDATE person SET talers -= 10 WHERE name = "Laurence Molkier";
Landevin then sees that it’s 12:00, stands up and goes off to get lunch. When he comes back, he sees the next telegram to take care of: a person named Asmodean Fitch whose balance needs to be increased by 10.
UPDATE person SET talers += 10 WHERE name = "Asmodean Fitch";
That was easy!
Except that it turns out that the money was meant to be sent from Laurence to Asmodean because Asmodean had an item that Laurence wanted to buy. Laurence saw that his balance had been reduced, but Asmodean didn’t see the money come in, and didn’t believe that Laurence had actually sent the money. They spent a very uncomfortable lunch hour arguing about it until finally Asmodean got the notice that the money had been sent.
We can fix this with a transaction.
A transaction is just a series of statements that starts with BEGIN TRANSACTION
(or just BEGIN
(or just COMMIT
). No permanent changes are made until a COMMIT TRANSACTION
is received.
The code below shows the same queries we made above, except that the UPDATE
statements are now enclosed in a space that begins with BEGIN TRANSACTION
INSERT INTO person [ { name: "Laurence Molkier", talers: 100, pennings: 50 }, { name: "Asmodean Fitch", talers: 200, pennings: 10 }, ]; BEGIN TRANSACTION; UPDATE person SET talers -= 10 WHERE name = "Laurence Molkier"; UPDATE person SET talers += 10 WHERE name = "Asmodean Fitch"; COMMIT TRANSACTION; SELECT name, talers FROM person;
The output below shows the results of the UPDATE
statements, as well as the final query that shows that both Laurence and Asmodean did indeed see the result they expected.
Response-------- Query -------- [ { id: person:i9xg3blbhqwfb2l5vqiz, name: 'Laurence Molkier', pennings: 50, talers: 90 } ] -------- Query -------- [ { id: person:ucwr3ggkal19tkdskg0e, name: 'Asmodean Fitch', pennings: 10, talers: 210 } ] -------- Query -------- [ { name: 'Laurence Molkier', talers: 90 }, { name: 'Asmodean Fitch', talers: 210 } ]
You might decide in the middle of a transaction that you don’t want to commit it, in which case a simple CANCEL TRANSACTION
will do the job.
So what happens when we choose to CANCEL TRANSACTION
? Do the UPDATE
queries in the middle of the transaction generate the same output?
Let’s give it a try:
INSERT INTO person [ { name: "Laurence Molkier", talers: 100, pennings: 50 }, { name: "Asmodean Fitch", talers: 200, pennings: 10 }, ]; BEGIN TRANSACTION; UPDATE person SET talers -= 10 WHERE name = "Laurence Molkier"; UPDATE person SET talers += 10 WHERE name = "Asmodean Fitch"; CANCEL TRANSACTION; SELECT name, talers FROM person;
They do not! Instead of showing the person
records as they would be if the UPDATE
had worked, the output only tells us that the query was not executed. No data was ever updated.
Response-------- Query -------- 'The query was not executed due to a cancelled transaction' -------- Query -------- 'The query was not executed due to a cancelled transaction' -------- Query -------- [ { name: 'Laurence Molkier', talers: 100 }, { name: 'Asmodean Fitch', talers: 200 } ]
If an error takes place during a transaction, the changes made during the transaction will be rolled back in the same way as if you had used CANCEL TRANSACTION
. However, we will at least see the reason why the transaction failed. We can demonstrate this by trying to create a record of the transfer, except that it tries to create a datetime
from a string that isn’t formatted properly.
INSERT INTO person [ { name: "Laurence Molkier", talers: 100, pennings: 50 }, { name: "Asmodean Fitch", talers: 200, pennings: 10 }, ]; BEGIN TRANSACTION; UPDATE person SET talers -= 10 WHERE name = "Laurence Molkier"; UPDATE person SET talers += 10 WHERE name = "Asmodean Fitch"; CREATE money_transfer_record SET date = <datetime>"0444:05:07-09:00:00", -- Oops! Not a proper datetime info = "10 talers from Laurence Molkier to Asmodean Fitch"; COMMIT TRANSACTION; SELECT name, talers FROM person;
As a result, the whole transaction is canceled and our COMMIT TRANSACTION;
at the end is ignored. The last two responses from the database show what the error is, and that both Laurence and Asmodean have the same amount of money that they had before.
Response-------- Query -------- "Expected a datetime but cannot convert '0444:05:07-09:00:00' into a datetime" -------- Query -------- [ { name: 'Laurence Molkier', talers: 100 }, { name: 'Asmodean Fitch', talers: 200 } ]
Instead of using a SELECT
statement after the transaction is over, we can also choose to RETURN
these values from the transaction. As in most other programming languages, a RETURN
statement causes an early break while returning the value that follows it.
INSERT INTO person [ { name: "Laurence Molkier", talers: 100, pennings: 50 }, { name: "Asmodean Fitch", talers: 200, pennings: 10 }, ]; BEGIN TRANSACTION; LET $sender = UPDATE ONLY person SET talers -= 10 WHERE name = "Laurence Molkier"; LET $receiver = UPDATE ONLY person SET talers += 10 WHERE name = "Asmodean Fitch"; RETURN "10 talers sent from " + $sender.name + " to " + $receiver.name; CREATE best:employee SET name = "Landevin"; // Will never reach this point COMMIT TRANSACTION; SELECT * FROM best;
The final output shows that Landevin’s attempt to create the record best:employee
did not work, as the RETURN
statement ended and committed the transaction at that point.
-------- Query -------- '10 talers sent from Laurence Molkier to Asmodean Fitch'
So what if we want to cancel a transaction if some condition is true? Do we use an IF LET
statement that includes CANCEL TRANSACTION
for one case and COMMIT TRANSACTION
for the other? The answer is no, and the code below won’t even parse. These two statements are only used on their own.
But there is another keyword that will do the trick!
The output from the last few failed examples shows that changes inside a failed transaction are hidden:
'The query was not executed due to a cancelled transaction'
But actual errors do contain information about the operation that was attempted.
"Expected a datetime but cannot convert '2734:05:07-09:00:00' into a datetime"
keyword that we learned in the last chapter is followed by a value representing the error, which is why it can be used to manually cancel a transaction based on a condition. The example below is similar to the previous one, except that:
and LIMIT 1
, the transaction uses two SELECT
statements to create a $sender
and $receiver
and then throws an error if the number of records returned does not equal one.
INSERT INTO person [ { name: "Laurence Molker", talers: 100, pennings: 50 }, { name: "Asmodean Fitch", talers: 200, pennings: 10 }, { name: "Aeon", talers: 20000, pennings: 0 }, { name: "Aeon", talers: 20000, pennings: 0 } ]; BEGIN TRANSACTION; LET $sender = SELECT * FROM person WHERE name = "Laurence Molker"; LET $receiver = SELECT * FROM person WHERE name = "Asmodean Fitch"; IF count($sender) != 1 OR count($receiver) != 1 { THROW "Tried to find single sender and receiver but found `" + <string>$sender + "` for sender and `" + <string>$receiver + "` for receiver"; }; UPDATE $sender SET talers -= 10; UPDATE $receiver SET talers += 10; COMMIT TRANSACTION;
Adding a SELECT * FROM person
to the end will show that the transfer of funds has indeed worked.
But if you change the line that selects the $sender
to Aeon…
LET $sender = SELECT * FROM person WHERE name = "Aeon";
Then you will see this error:
Response"An error occurred: Tried to find single sender and receiver but found `[{ id: person:opa0onn4skq896pycvxa, name: 'Aeon', pennings: 0, talers: 20000 }, { id: person:zp3ugutklrxocaazx7qx, name: 'Aeon', pennings: 0, talers: 20000 }]` for sender and `[{ id: person:4i8uurtz6xxok74enu2d, name: 'Asmodean Fitch', pennings: 10, talers: 200 }]` for receiver"
And if you change the same line to some name that doesn’t exist:
LET $sender = SELECT * FROM person WHERE name = "Person???";
Then you will see a different, but just as informative error.
"An error occurred: Tried to find single sender and receiver but found `[]` for sender and `[{ id: person:ar98fknvdchdc5xho7vx, name: 'Asmodean Fitch', pennings: 10, talers: 200 }]` for receiver"
As you can see, individual statements inside a failed transaction always turn to 'The query was not executed due to a failed transaction'
, but automatic errors and THROW
statements can contain internal information on what was attempted.
At this point, you might be wondering what the use is of CANCEL TRANSACTION
if it can’t be used dynamically like inside an IF ELSE
statement. One of the best uses for this statement is in testing on existing data, if the test requires a change of state. Take the following two transactions for example, in which the test is to see if a certain person
record can be created. The first transaction will fail with a good error message showing why, while the second fails with a 'The query was not executed due to a cancelled transaction'
, which is the message that indicates a successful test! Any tests used in this way should expect to see nothing but this message in case of success, and some other error message in case of failure.
-------- Query -------- "Found '888' for field `name`, with record `person:s22fgj8mdoj3yzpcv0he`, but field must conform to: $value.replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').is_alpha()" -------- Query -------- 'The query was not executed due to a cancelled transaction'
Now it’s time for an interesting fact.
That’s right, every statement in SurrealDB is a transaction! This is a design decision to ensure that data will never show up in half-written state, or in the process of being committed. So you can think of BEGIN TRANSACTION
as a manual way of doing a transaction over multiple statements as opposed to SurrealDB’s default method of carrying out transactions unseen to you. In either case, a transaction is always being done.
As the documentation states:
Each statement within SurrealDB is run within its own transaction. If a set of changes need to be made together, then groups of statements can be run together as a single transaction, either succeeding as a whole, or failing without leaving any residual data modifications.
It goes without saying that the stakes are pretty high when building a system that sends money from one person to another. In addition to accuracy, you probably also want to keep an eye on activity as it happens to ensure that nothing unexpected is going on. Being able to replay past events is a large help when auditing.
SurrealDB has a built-in feature called a changefeed that is made for just these purposes. Let’s give it a try so that Aeon and Landevin can keep an extra close eye on what is happening.
One nice thing about a changefeed is how easy it is to set up: all you have to do is add the word CHANGEFEED
and a duration after a DEFINE TABLE
statement. Let’s give that a try with the person
table as well as another bank
table. We’ll give them a changefeed of three days in length.
Then we’ll carry out a similar transaction as before.
CREATE person:laurence SET name = "Laurence Molkier", talers = 100, pennings = 50; CREATE person:asmodean SET name = "Asmodean Fitch", talers = 200, pennings = 10; BEGIN TRANSACTION; UPDATE person:laurence SET talers -= 10; UPDATE person:asmodean SET talers += 10; COMMIT TRANSACTION;
And now it’s time to take a look at the changes! This can be done with the SHOW CHANGES FOR TABLE
syntax. This must be followed with SINCE
, which can take either a datetime or a version number. If you choose a datetime, it must be a date later than the date when the changefeed was created.
You can also follow this with LIMIT
to set a maximum number of changes to display.
In our case, the SHOW CHANGES
query will look like this.
Response[ { changes: [ { define_table: { name: 'person' } } ], versionstamp: 1 }, { changes: [ { update: { id: person:laurence, name: 'Laurence Molkier', pennings: 50, talers: 100 } } ], versionstamp: 3 }, { changes: [ { update: { id: person:asmodean, name: 'Asmodean Fitch', pennings: 10, talers: 200 } } ], versionstamp: 4 }, { changes: [ { update: { id: person:laurence, name: 'Laurence Molkier', pennings: 50, talers: 90 } }, { update: { id: person:asmodean, name: 'Asmodean Fitch', pennings: 10, talers: 210 } } ], versionstamp: 6 } ]
You can also include the original record before the change in a changefeed if you like, by adding the two words INCLUDE ORIGINAL
The input is somewhat longer, but has become much easier to follow because you can see what the state of a record was before a change was applied. Aeon and Landevin certainly would have preferred to add an INCLUDE ORIGINAL
to their changefeed, as it makes it easier to deal with customers who come to them with questions.
[ { changes: [ { define_table: { name: 'person' } } ], versionstamp: 1 }, { changes: [ { current: { id: person:laurence, name: 'Laurence Molkier', pennings: 50, talers: 100 }, update: [ { op: 'replace', path: '/', value: NONE } ] } ], versionstamp: 3 }, { changes: [ { current: { id: person:asmodean, name: 'Asmodean Fitch', pennings: 10, talers: 200 }, update: [ { op: 'replace', path: '/', value: NONE } ] } ], versionstamp: 4 }, { changes: [ { current: { id: person:laurence, name: 'Laurence Molkier', pennings: 50, talers: 90 }, update: [ { op: 'replace', path: '/talers', value: 100 } ] }, { current: { id: person:asmodean, name: 'Asmodean Fitch', pennings: 10, talers: 210 }, update: [ { op: 'replace', path: '/talers', value: 200 } ] } ], versionstamp: 6 } ]
Here again you can see the JSON Patch format that you see when you choose RETURN DIFF
in an UPDATE
By the way, SurrealDB has two functions that make it easy to work with output like this: value::diff
, which takes two values, and value::patch
, which takes a value plus an array of objects that represent the patch operations to perform. These functions work on any and all value types in SurrealDB.
Here is what the output looks like when we take one of the objects from the output above and manually patch it to see what it looks like after the change, followed by the value::diff
function to see the difference between the two.
LET $current = { id: person:asmodean, name: 'Asmodean Fitch', pennings: 10, talers: 210 }; LET $patched = $current.patch( [ { op: 'replace', path: '/talers', value: 200 } ] ); RETURN $patched; RETURN $patched.diff($current);
Response-------- Query -------- { id: person:asmodean, name: 'Asmodean Fitch', pennings: 10, talers: 200 } -------- Query -------- [ { op: 'replace', path: '/talers', value: 210 } ]
The versionstamp
output is also fairly interesting. Did you notice that the changes for the person
table here have a versionstamp
of 1, 3, 4, and 6, instead of 1, 2, 3, and 4? The other two numbers (2 and 5) are changes for another table: the bank
. So every time you define a change feed on a table, you are actually adding it to a single database-wide change feed that can be viewed table by table.
And since every change feed is implemented across the whole database, you also have the option to define a single changefeed across the whole database which will track the changes for each and every table you use. To do this, just change DEFINE TABLE table_name CHANGEFEED
. Inside the Surrealist sandbox you could define it like this:
There are quite a few ways to use a changefeed. Soft deletion (a deletion that can be restored) is a particularly interesting case.
Let’s take a look at what output is generated if we had deleted both of our person
{ changes: [ { delete: { id: person:asmodean } }, { delete: { id: person:laurence } } ], versionstamp: 7 }
As you can see, the only information kept on a deletion is a record’s ID…but in this case, the ID is enough to know which record was deleted! If we had chosen a random ID for these two person
records, then all that we would have known is that two records were deleted, and that’s it.
And since a complex record ID can be made of an array or an object, a complex enough record ID will show all of a record’s information in the id
field itself.
DEFINE TABLE person CHANGEFEED 3d; CREATE person:{ name: "Laurence Molkier", talers: 100, pennings: 50 }; CREATE person SET name = "Laurence Molkier", talers = 100, pennings = 50; DELETE person; SHOW CHANGES FOR TABLE person SINCE 1;
The end of this changefeed shows none of the human-readable information for one record, but all for the other.
{ changes: [ { delete: { id: person:or363uery0xz1btiszza } }, { delete: { id: person:{ name: 'Laurence Molkier', pennings: 50, talers: 100 } } } ], versionstamp: 4 }
A combination of the two approaches can work too, such as a complex record ID with the information that makes sense to be visible after deletion, followed by SET
for the information that should not be seen. The person
object created below will show the name
and created_at
info inside its changefeed, but not the person’s money or address.
CREATE person:{ name: "Laurence Molkier", created_at: time::now() } SET pennings = 50, talers = 100, address = "105 Toria Avenue";
Sometimes you might find yourself defining a function that feels like it should be temporary, as opposed to an official database function that shows up inside the INFO FOR DB
statement. In this case, you can choose to use a LET
statement to create a function that doesn’t have a name. Instead, it just gets bound to a parameter.
These functions are known as closures or lambdas in other languages, and in SurrealQL as well they are usually referred to as closures.
To write an anonymous function, use the LET
keyword, and then put the arguments between | |
. Since we already know how to define functions, this new syntax should be easiest to learn by lining it up with the DEFINE FUNCTION
that we already know.
DEFINE FUNCTION fn::double($num: number) -> number { $num * 2 }; LET $double = |$num: number| -> number { $num * 2 };
Both of these will return 18.
DEFINE FUNCTION fn::double($num: number) -> number { $num * 2 }; LET $double = |$num: number| -> number { $num * 2 }; RETURN fn::double(9); RETURN $double(9);
In the quiz section of the last chapter, we solved a problem that related to a literal used to hold error data. Here is a similar literal to that.
DEFINE FIELD error ON TABLE data TYPE { NotFound: { message: string } } | { Retry: { at: duration } } | { Other: { message: string } };
If we were putting together a complex query that needed to retrieve the error message as a string from this field, we could put a closure together to simplify that part of the query. This closure called $get_message
matches on all the possible values of this error
field and returns a string.
LET $get_message = |$data: record<data>| -> string { RETURN IF $data.error.NotFound { $data.error.NotFound.message } ELSE IF $data.error.Retry { "Retry in " + <string>$data.error.Retry.at } ELSE { $data.error.Other.message } };
Here is the closure in practice.
LET $get_message = |$data: record<data>| -> string { RETURN IF $data.error.NotFound { $data.error.NotFound.message } ELSE IF $data.error.Retry { "Retry in " + <string>$data.error.Retry.at } ELSE { $data.error.Other.message } }; CREATE data:one SET error = { Other: { message: "We need help. We need things to make us go." }}; $get_message(data:one);
Response'We need help. We need things to make us go.'
The real magic of closures begins, however, when we start to use them inside SurrealDB’s built-in functions that take a closure as an argument.
SurrealDB has a number of functions that are used to work with arrays that allow you to perform some sort of operation on each item. Let’s take the array::all()
and array::any()
functions as an example. Without any extra arguments, these will check to see if all or any of the values inside of an array are truthy.
-- false because NONE is not truthy [NONE, 1, 2].all(); -- true because 1 is truthy [NONE, 1, 2].any();
They can also take a value to compare against.
-- false because not all of the items are 1 [NONE, 1, 2].all(1); -- true because one of the items is 1 [NONE, 1, 2].any(1);
Comparing against a single value can be pretty limiting, however. It would be nice if we could give a variable name to each item in the array and then use that to write an expression such as $v > 2
or $item IS NOT NONE
Using closures, that is exactly what we can do! Let’s see if we can use one to see if all or any of the items in our small array is greater than 1 - if it is a number. To do that, we can check if it IS NONE
or > 1
-- false [NONE, 1, 2].all(|$v| $v IS NONE OR $v > 1); -- true [NONE, 1, 2].any(|$x| $x IS NONE OR $x > 1);
It can look somewhat magic to see a closure inside a function, but if we pull it out, we can see that it’s just a regular anonymous function like the ones we experimented with above. The parameter name is entirely up to us: $v
, $x
, $awesome_closure_parameter
, or anything else.
LET $checks = |$v| $v IS NONE OR $v > 1;
Afterwards, the .all()
and .any()
methods will use the closure on each item as many times as it needs. The code below shows manually what happens when you call .all()
and .any()
: it checks one item, then the next, then the next, until it can make a decision.
LET $checks = |$v| $v IS NONE OR $v > 1; LET $array = [NONE, 1, 2]; RETURN [$checks($array[0]), $checks($array[1]), $checks($array[2])];
The output for this will end up as [true, false, true]
. Both of them will stop before checking the third item, because:
will stop after the second item which returns false
, showing that not all of the items are true
will stop after the first item, because it has already seen that at least one of the items is true
.Though it’s not likely inside these quick array methods, you can also define the types for the closure arguments. Let’s give this a try with another one called .filter()
which removes anything from the array if the closure returns false
[0, 1, 2].filter(|$x| $x % 2 = 0); [0, 1, 2].filter(|$x: int| -> bool { RETURN $x % 2 = 0 });
Both of these return [0, 2]
, showing the even numbers inside the array.
Two other very frequent methods for arrays are called .map()
and .chain()
. Calling .map()
lets you perform an operation on each item in an array, while .chain()
does the same for a value as a whole. Here are two simple examples of these two methods:
[1,2,3].map(|$num| $num + 1); 9.chain(|$num| { original: $num, as_string: <string>$num });
Response-------- Query 1 -------- [ 2, 3, 4 ] -------- Query 2 -------- { as_string: '9', original: 9 }
And here are two more, this time using the dataset from the last chapter. As the name suggests, .chain()
is often used at the end of a chain of methods (methods called one after the other).
["Toria", "Bulton"].map(|$name| SELECT * FROM ONLY town WHERE name = $name LIMIT 1); ["Toria", "Bulton"].map(|$name| SELECT * FROM ONLY town WHERE name = $name LIMIT 1) .chain(|$all_towns| $all_towns.{name, location});
Response-------- Query 1 -------- [ { id: town:hz252e0l92i8zmsnbjmd, location: (-123.338, 48.481), name: 'Toria', old_name: 'Victoria', population: 7000 }, { id: town:hejdf64dgr4ifrbll202, location: (-113.867, 51.182), name: 'Bulton', old_name: 'Calgary', population: 6000 } ] -------- Query 2 -------- [ { location: (-123.338, 48.481), name: 'Toria' }, { location: (-113.867, 51.182), name: 'Bulton' } ]
Chaining methods is a fantastic way to work with data that you need to make a lot of alterations to while passing on each step of the way. The following example shows how in just four lines we can take all the data from our to
dataset from the last chapter, filter out every trip except those that take 2 to 3 days, then restructure the data into a new object structure, and finally sort it by travel time (which here is alphabetically the first field in the object).
(SELECT *, in.name, out.name FROM to) .filter(|$v| { $v.days_travel IN 2..3 }) .map(|$o| { days: $o.days_travel, from: $o.in.name, to: $o.out.name }) .sort();
Response[ { days: 2.0708363803053396f, from: 'The Hill', to: 'The Naimo' }, { days: 2.2527302879206372f, from: 'Grasslands', to: 'Southlake' }, { days: 2.2527302879206372f, from: 'Southlake', to: 'Grasslands' }, { days: 2.5133565637539164f, from: 'Abeston', to: 'Gaston' }, { days: 2.5133565637539164f, from: 'Gaston', to: 'Abeston' } ]
The next method that we’ll look at is called .reduce()
. It is similar to .map()
in that it involves an operation on individual items in an array, except that it gives you access to the following item as well. To use this function, we tell the database what operation to perform at each step of the way. The output of this operation will be used as the first item for the next step, continuing until there are no items left.
To understand how this works, we’ll start with .reduce()
on an array with just three numbers. What do you think the output will be?
[1,2,3].reduce(|$item1, $item2| $item1 + $item2);
Since we told it to return the sum of the first item plus the second item, it will do the following:
is 1, $item2
is 2. Since we told it to sum them, it will pass on the number 3.$item1
is the output from the last step: 3. The next item in the array is the last number, which is also 3. Since we told it to sum them, it will pass on the number 6.In other words: 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.
Here is another example of .reduce()
used on an array of single-letter strings. At each step of the way we tell it to concatenate the string with the previous one.
['e', 'm', 'i', 't'].reduce(|$a, $b| $a + $b);
The output for this will be the string 'emit'
And if we tell it to add $b + $a
instead of $a + $b
, it will return the same string reversed: 'time'
. Interesting!
One other convenience to the .reduce()
function is the ability to add a third parameter, which contains the current index of the operation. Let’s give this a try with the previous query, by casting it to a string and adding it to the end.
['e', 'm', 'i', 't'].reduce(|$a, $b, $index| $b + $a + <string>$index);
The output will be ‘time012’. Here is what the database does at every step of the way:
Now that we know how to use this function, let’s give it a try with something real! In the last chapter, we finished up with a query on a trip that goes from Toria to the town of Hope, returning the information for the last town.
SELECT ->to->town[WHERE name = 'Toria'] ->to->town[WHERE name = 'Black Bay'] ->to->town[WHERE name = 'Gaston'] ->to->town[WHERE name = 'Abeston'] ->to->town[WHERE name = 'Hope'].*.* AS town_info FROM town WHERE name = 'The Hill';
With .reduce()
, we can do something similar but better. Instead of just returning the final town, we can pass on an object at each step of the way that contains the information for the trip. Each time it gets passed on, it will update the number of trips and the total distance traveled.
To start, we will pass in an array with the names of each town. We’ll then call .map()
which will use this name to find the record ID for each town that matches the name.
['Toria', 'Black Bay', 'Gaston', 'Abeston', 'Hope'] .map(|$name| SELECT * FROM ONLY town WHERE name = $name LIMIT 1);
Response[ { id: town:14cjwpitzngbtiqr072w, location: (-123.338, 48.481), name: 'Toria', old_name: 'Victoria', population: 7000 }, { id: town:pdsmvh1019t0kb6fvz6u, location: (-123.414, 48.688), name: 'Black Bay', old_name: 'Swartz Bay', population: 1100 }, -- and so on... ]
So far so good! Now here is the tricky part.
Each item inside the array at this point is a town
record, but we want the final input to be an object that contains the total distance and number of trips, like this.
{ destination: { // Final town data } distance: 660, trips: 10 }
This is where having access to the index comes in handy. If the index is 0, we know that this is the first operation and that we will have two town
records to work with. We can use these to find the distance between the two via a SELECT
statement or a graph query:
// Query on the `to` graph table with two WHERE clauses SELECT * FROM ONLY to WHERE in = $input1.id AND out = $input2.id LIMIT 1; // Graph query from a town which then pulls out the first item $input1->to[WHERE out = $input2.id].first();
The graph query is shorter, so we will go with that.
We can then use the output to pass on an object that contains the trip information and the current town name. If the index is not 0, then the first item will be this object but the second item will be a town
record. In that case, the town
record information will be inside the destination
field for the first item, so the query will be slightly different.
SELECT * FROM ONLY to WHERE in = $input1.destination.id AND out = $input2.id LIMIT 1 LET $trip = $input1.destination->to[WHERE out = $input2.id].first();
All together, that gives us this query.
['Toria', 'Black Bay', 'Gaston', 'Abeston', 'Hope'] .map(|$name| (SELECT * FROM ONLY town WHERE name = $name LIMIT 1)) .reduce(|$input1, $input2, $index| IF $index = 0 { LET $trip = $input1->to[WHERE out = $input2.id].first(); { destination: $input2, distance: $trip.distance, trips: 1 } } ELSE { LET $trip = $input1.destination->to[WHERE out = $input2.id].first(); { destination: $input2, distance: $input1.distance + $trip.distance, trips: $input1.trips + 1 } } );
And here is the output! A journey that takes four trips over a distance of about 225 km, ending up at a town called Hope.
Response{ destination: { id: town:68ksipekrww1n6esuiid, location: (-121.459, 49.388), name: 'Hope', old_name: 'Hope', population: 50 }, distance: 225342.9358669583f, trips: 4 }
Finally, there is also one more function called .fold()
that works in the same way as .reduce()
, except that it takes an initial value that is used as the first item inside the first operation. In our case, this function makes our code a bit simpler because the first operation (the one with an $index
of 0) can just return this object with one change: setting its destination
field to the value of the first town.
['Toria', 'Black Bay', 'Gaston', 'Abeston', 'Hope'] .map(|$name| SELECT * FROM ONLY town WHERE name = $name LIMIT 1) .fold({distance: 0, trips: 0, destination: NONE }, |$input1, $input2, $index| IF $index = 0 { { distance: $input1.distance, trips: $input1.trips, destination: $input2 }} ELSE { LET $trip = $input1.destination->to[WHERE out = $input2.id].first(); { destination: $input2, distance: $input1.distance + $trip.distance, trips: $input1.trips + 1, } } );
If you are up for a challenge, see if you can return more information from the query above. You could try adding the first town to the output as well (start
along with destination
), or even an array containing information about the terrain at each step of the way. Don’t forget that you can always use .chain()
at the end to tidy up the output, so it doesn’t matter if the object passed on before the end contains fields that you don’t want to display at the very end.
That should be enough new information for one chapter! The next chapter will also focus on some similar themes.
Wait a second, something is going on in Aeon’s part of the world.
What’s that on the horizon over there to the west where the great ocean begins? It looks like something is approaching from the sea. Let’s see what’s going on before we move on to the next chapter.
A set of urgent telegrams has suddenly begun arriving from Redmont. A group of unknown ships has suddenly shown up on the horizon, seemingly from another country across the ocean. They are clearly hostile, and have begun setting up a camp to prepare to march on the city.
A chill seizes you. Redmont is only a few days’ journey from Toria across the bay. What if they reach here? Will you have to close the security door and lock yourself in? You can’t let that happen. You send an urgent communication to the city council to ask them to send help to Redmont as soon as possible.
For example, if person:one
is no longer employed at a company due to retirement and a lot of other relations need to be changed at the same time: bank account type, status with the government, and so on.
A transaction generally makes most sense if it is important to have all of a person’s status changes happen at the same time.
However, having a number of statements grouped together in a checklist sort of form can be convenient. In the example below, three RELATE
statements are being used to turn the retiring person:one
from a current employee to a former employee, the monthly fee for the bus is reduced, and so on.
BEGIN TRANSACTION; RELATE company:one->employs->person:one SET status = "Retired"; RELATE bank:one->bank_customer->person:one SET account_type = "Retiree"; RELATE bus_company:one->bus_customer->person:one SET monthly_fee = 20.0; COMMIT TRANSACTION;
Using a transaction in this case can free up the need to remember which of the RELATE
statements failed if one or two of them don’t work for some reason. If the transaction doesn’t fail, all of the person’s changes have been put into place and there is nothing else to think about.
Yes, you can wrap one around the output of another in the same way as SurrealDB’s traditional function calling syntax.
Take the following helper closures in the example below. One extracts the table name and id from a record, while another that takes an array of up to two strings and creates a record from the last item, followed by the first item.
LET $split = |$record: record| [$record.tb(), $record.id()]; LET $reverse = |$arr: array<string, 2>| type::thing($arr[1], $arr[0]);
You can then call $reverse()
on the output of $split()
…which turns a person:one
to one:person
Method calling syntax does not (yet!) work for such functions, so the following syntax won’t work.
, star
, and moon
record types. Using method syntax, how could you combine them into a single array of objects that has the table name as the type and the table id as its name?Here is the data…
LET $info = [ { id: planet:earth, diameter: 12742, }, { id: planet:venus, diameter: 12104 }, { id: star:sun, diameter: 1392700 }, { id: moon:titan, diameter: 5149 } ];
…and an example of the desired output.
{ diameter: 5149, name: 'titan', type: 'moon' }
You can use array::map()
to do this, by turning each record into an object with a different structure. The record::tb()
and record::id()
functions will allow you to get the type of object and its name.
$info.map(|$v| { type: $v.id.tb(), name: $v.id.id(), diameter: $v.diameter } );
Response[ { diameter: 12742, name: 'earth', type: 'planet' }, { diameter: 12104, name: 'venus', type: 'planet' }, { diameter: 1392700, name: 'sun', type: 'star' }, { diameter: 5149, name: 'titan', type: 'moon' } ]
Adding .sort()
to the end will sort them…
$info.map(|$v| { type: $v.id.tb(), name: $v.id.id(), diameter: $v.diameter }) .sort();
…after which the array::reverse()
function will reverse the order.
$info.map(|$v| { type: $v.id.tb(), name: $v.id.id(), diameter: $v.diameter }) .sort() .reverse();
Response[ { diameter: 1392700, name: 'sun', type: 'star' }, { diameter: 12742, name: 'earth', type: 'planet' }, { diameter: 12104, name: 'venus', type: 'planet' }, { diameter: 5149, name: 'titan', type: 'moon' } ]
One way to do it would be to change the name
field to something that comes first alphabetically, such as appellation
or _name
$info.map(|$v| { type: $v.id.tb(), _name: $v.id.id(), diameter: $v.diameter }) .sort();
But the simplest way is probably to just use a SELECT
statement followed by an ORDER BY
SELECT * FROM $info.map(|$v| { type: $v.id.tb(), name: $v.id.id(), diameter: $v.diameter }) ORDER BY name;
Response[ { diameter: 12742, name: 'earth', type: 'planet' }, { diameter: 1392700, name: 'sun', type: 'star' }, { diameter: 5149, name: 'titan', type: 'moon' }, { diameter: 12104, name: 'venus', type: 'planet' } ]