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Record IDs

The first thing to be aware of is that in SurrealDB, a record ID has two parts: a table name and a record identifier, which looks like this table:record.

The second thing to be aware of is that they are immutable, meaning that once created, you can never change them, which is why we’ll spend some time exploring the different options you have so you can pick the best ID for your use case.

By default, when you create a table, create table, you’ll notice 2 things:

  • SurrealQL has very few reserved words.
  • The second thing you’ll notice is that a random ID is assigned.

This differs from the traditional default of autoincrement or serial IDs you might be used to.

This allows you to avoid common scaling problems such as:

  • Auto incrementing that locks, impacting concurrency and scalability of your database.
  • Accidental information disclosure through using IDs in URLs, giving away data size and velocity.
  • Non-uniqueness across tables or table shards across distributed nodes

Generated IDs

The typical solution to this is to use randomly generated identifiers such as our default rand::guid() which can be explicitly stated like so

CREATE product; CREATE product:rand(); LET $guid = rand::guid(); CREATE product SET id = $guid;

Realistically you’d never really have to explicitly state them unless you change your default IDs and need them for some reason. It’s therefore just good to know that is what is happening under the hood.

However, while our random IDs are a great default option, they aren’t the only option.

For an e-commerce application where things are often based on time, it can make sense to have a time-sortable id, as was the case for Shopify switching from UUID v4 to ULID.

SurrealDB also supports UUID v7, which does pretty much the same thing. The honest reason ULID was chosen here is just because it’s shorter and looks better.

CREATE product:ulid(); LET $ulid = rand::ulid(); CREATE product SET id = $ulid; CREATE product:uuid(); # UUIDv7 LET $uuid = rand::uuid(); CREATE product SET id = $uuid;

You can also explicitly specify which UUID version you want, choosing between v4 and v7.

LET $uuidv4 = rand::uuid::v4(); LET $uuidv7 = rand::uuid::v7(); CREATE product SET id = $uuidv4; CREATE product SET id = $uuidv7;

Version 7 is a new UUID version that is time-sortable. Version 4 has been the most commonly used version and is completely random.

ULID and UUIDv7 naturally sort your data based on creation time, which enables you to better use our range query pattern for highly efficient operations regardless of table size.

Speaking of highly efficient operations, the way SurrealDB handles records as we learned earlier is by storing them in the underlying key-value storage engine. But I waited until now to tell of about the magic this unlocks because the key is the same as the record ID you see here. Therefore when you use record IDs you can directly fetch individual records straight from the underlying key-value store without any table scan!

This means when doing CRUD with one or more record IDs it will have near-constant performance regardless of scale! Of course, there is a “it depends” here as the actual performance depends on the storage engine you choose, but we’ll cover that in more detail in part 5.

Explicit IDs

While we generally recommend you use a function to generate an ID, you can also explicitly set it.

You can name your tables and IDs any combination of letters and numbers separated by an underscore. Tables however cannot start with a number.

CREATE product:coacher; CREATE more_product SET id = 'Surreal_T_Shirt'; CREATE product:1; CREATE product SET id = 2;

So what happens if we do this?

CREATE product SET id = 'Surreal T-Shirt';

It still succeeds, but it puts these ⟨ ⟩ brackets around it.

Don’t worry though, you don’t have to find these unique type of brackets that you might not even know existed until now. You can just use backticks instead like in this example of using Chinese characters.

CREATE `产品`:`超现实主义T恤`;

If you wondering what it says, it’s still just “product:Surreal T-shirt”

You can even use emojis to represent the table and the key

CREATE `🚪`:`🔑`;

Now you might say that this is not a table but a door and you’d be right, because for some strange reason there is no table emoji, which honestly came as quite a shock to me when I needed it for this example. In any case though, please don’t use emojis unless it actually makes sense because remember record IDs are immutable so you’ll be stuck with it.

Complex record IDs

What you can use however are complex record IDs, which support dynamic expressions, allowing parameters and function expressions to be used as values within the IDs!

-- Array-based record ID CREATE review:['Surreal T-Shirt', time::now()]; -- Object-based record ID CREATE review:{ product: 'Surreal T-Shirt', created_at: time::now()};

This is useful in various ways, such as a time series context or ensuring locality between specific records in a table. Effectively creating clustered indexes & partitions naturally in your data as you scale with the performance of the ID lookup regardless of size!

While this does not replace traditional indexes or partitions for your data, it offers additional flexibility to model the data in a performant way.

Serial IDs

The last thing we are going to look at is how to use auto increment or serial IDs.

You might remember that we just talked about the problems they have and what to use instead.

Even so, we’ve heard from our community that there are use cases where that might be a legal requirement or some other requirement you might have, so there is a way to do it with custom functions.

-- increment example DEFINE FUNCTION fn::increment($name: string) { RETURN (UPSERT ONLY type::thing('counter', $name) SET value += 1).value; }; LET $increment = fn::increment('test'); CREATE test SET id = $increment;

Custom functions are out of scope for this course, so we won’t go into detail about how they work, but you’re welcome to play around with it before we move on. In part 3 about defining a schema, I’ll show you how to change your default ID to this, if you need it.

Regarding functions, what I will say for now is that you can put any valid SurrealQL into them, so you will understand what is happening in that function by the end of this part.

If you’re curious though, you can learn more about custom functions in the documentation.

Alright, let’s move on to inserting more than just IDs.

Which ID should you choose?
Your IDs need to be supported in multiple systems and be as unique as possible.
Which id most closely matches those requirements?

SuggestionWith those requirements in mind, it would make sense to go with UUIDv4 as that is supported in most systems. It’s designed to be practically globally unique, meaning you’re extremely unlikely to find the same UUID in any system anywhere.

-- the u string prefix is for UUIDs CREATE product SET id = product:u'e601950f-6792-4977-b488-ddc7b332fdb7'; LET $uuidv4 = rand::uuid::v4(); CREATE product SET id = $uuidv4;

You need time based IDs, which IDs would you choose?

SuggestionYou have more than one option for that. You can choose UUIDv7, ULID or complex record IDs

-- UUIDv7 CREATE product:uuid(); -- ULID CREATE product:ulid(); -- Array-based record ID CREATE product:['Surreal T-Shirt', time::now()];

You don’t have specific requirements, which IDs should you use?

SuggestionOur default IDs are a good choice for general use when you don’t have specific requirements.

CREATE product;