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Define fields, constraints and assertions

Now that we’ve defined our tables, it’s time to also define our fields.

In this lesson, we’ll cover how to

  • Define fields and their various data types
  • Add field constraints and assertions
  • Field permissions

Defining fields

The way fields are defined is similar to how we define tables.

DEFINE FIELD product_name ON TABLE order;

We use the DEFINE FIELD statement to, at minimum, specify the field name and which table it belongs to, but usually also the TYPE as well. If the TYPE is not specified, it will default to TYPE any, which allows any data type.

The important thing to note is that the DEFINE FIELD statement can be used independently from the DEFINE TABLE statement, which is why we must always specify which table it belongs to using the ON TABLE clause.

Data types

DEFINE FIELD product_name ON TABLE order TYPE string; DEFINE FIELD quantity ON TABLE order TYPE number;

Defining simple data types is very straightforward, we just use the TYPE clause and the name of the data type, such as a string or number.

SurrealDB supports various datatypes, all of which you can find listed in our documentation.

Complex data types, as the name suggests, are not as straightforward, let’s therefore spend some time looking at various examples. In particular nested objects and arrays.


DEFINE FIELD time ON TABLE product TYPE object; DEFINE FIELD time.created_at ON TABLE product TYPE datetime; DEFINE FIELD time.updated_at ON TABLE product TYPE datetime;

Starting with objects, let’s take the example of a field called time which is an object containing the created_at and updated_at fields.

  • First, we define the time field as TYPE object
  • Then we use the dot notation to define the fields inside the object separately.

In this case, we define both time.created_at and time.updated_at as a TYPE datetime.

Regardless of how nested the object is, we just use the dot notation to define each nested field, one at a time.

Arrays and an arrays of objects

DEFINE FIELD sizes ON TABLE product TYPE array<string>; DEFINE FIELD IF NOT EXISTS sizes ON TABLE product TYPE array; DEFINE FIELD IF NOT EXISTS sizes.* ON TABLE product TYPE string;

To define the contents of an array of strings there are two options:

  • Using TYPE array with the string data type in angle brackets
  • Using just TYPE array for the sizes field, then defining the contents using .*
DEFINE FIELD addresses ON TABLE address_history TYPE array<object>; DEFINE FIELD addresses.*.address_line_1 ON TABLE address_history TYPE string; DEFINE FIELD addresses.*.address_line_2 ON TABLE address_history TYPE option<string>; DEFINE FIELD addresses.*.city ON TABLE address_history TYPE string; DEFINE FIELD addresses.*.coordinates ON TABLE address_history TYPE geometry<point>; DEFINE FIELD addresses.*.country ON TABLE address_history TYPE string; DEFINE FIELD addresses.*.post_code ON TABLE address_history TYPE string;

When defining arrays of objects, we combine both approaches, such as with the addresses array on our address_history table. addresses.* means all the address objects. Then we just use the dot notation again to define each nested field, such as addresses.*.address_line_1.

Cheat code - flexible type

There is however an easy cheat code for defining nested objects and arrays.

DEFINE FIELD shipping_address ON TABLE order FLEXIBLE TYPE object;

The FLEXIBLE TYPE allows us to have schemaless fields on schemafull tables. This is especially useful for fields containing nested objects such as shipping_address, where the address structure can be very different based on the country we are shipping to.

DEFINE FIELD addresses ON TABLE address_history FLEXIBLE TYPE array<object>;

We can also similarly simplify our addresses field by making it FLEXIBLE.

Record and option type

We can also define record IDs, using TYPE record with the table name of one or more records in angle brackets, such as the TYPE record<address_history> on the person table.

DEFINE FIELD address_history ON TABLE person TYPE record<address_history>; DEFINE FIELD time.shipped_at ON TABLE order TYPE option<datetime>;

Finally, we can use the option type to allow a field to either be empty or have the specified data type. As an example, using TYPE option<datetime> on the time.shipped_at field, allowing it to be empty until the order is shipped.

Constraints and assertions

DEFINE FIELD email ON TABLE person TYPE string ASSERT string::is::email($value); DEFINE FIELD rating ON TABLE review TYPE number ASSERT $value > 0 AND $value < 6;

We can take our field definitions even further by using asserts. ASSERT can be used to ensure that our data remains consistent.

For example:

  • We can use asserts to ensure that the email field on our person table is always a valid email address.
  • We can also ensure that the rating field on our review table is always a number greater than 0 and less than 6.

To do this we use the $value parameter as a placeholder for the field value. Assertions can be simple, but also contain complex logic.

Default field values

The DEFINE FIELD statement has two clauses for setting a default value for our fields, DEFAULT and VALUE.

DEFINE FIELD time.created_at ON TABLE person TYPE datetime DEFAULT time::now(); DEFINE FIELD time.updated_at ON TABLE person TYPE datetime VALUE time::now();

The most practical way to explain the difference between them is

  • DEFAULT is better used for fields like time.created_at as the DEFAULT time::now() will be static once used for the first time.
  • VALUE is better used for fields like time.updated_at as the VALUE time::now() will run every time the record is updated.

In this way, we never again need to remember to use time.created_at or time.updated_at in our queries, as it will be created and updated for us when we insert a record into the table.

CREATE person:01FS8RCP2G9XPVJF9W0BFQFFRJ SET name = "Kevin"; SLEEP 2s; UPDATE person:01FS8RCP2G9XPVJF9W0BFQFFRJ SET name = "Kevin Jackson";

Let’s try by creating a new person, then using the SLEEP statement to wait for 2 seconds and then updating the person, so we can see the 2-second time difference in the time.update_at field.

You can also use custom functions as default fields, such as the increment example we covered in our lesson on Record IDs.

DEFINE FIELD serial_id ON TABLE person TYPE number VALUE fn::increment("person");

Field permissions

Field permissions follow the same syntax as table permissions.

As an example, we can allow users to only update the shipping address on the order table if the order hasn’t shipped yet.

DEFINE FIELD time.shipped_at ON TABLE order TYPE option<datetime> PERMISSIONS FOR select WHERE = $, FOR create, delete NONE, FOR update WHERE = $ AND time.shipped_at is NONE;


There’s a lot that the DEFINE FIELD statement can do so let’s just summarise here.

The DEFINE FIELD statement allows us to define:

  • Fields independently from the DEFINE TABLE statement
  • Data types, such as strings, arrays and objects. Including the flexible type, which allows us to have schemaless fields on schemafull tables.
  • Constraints and assertions, such as using a function for email validation.
  • Default values, such as using the time::now() function to automatically create and update the time.created_at and time.updated_at fields.
  • Field level PERMISSIONS, which can be done independently for each CRUD operation or all in one group.