August 13, 2022

Release v1.0.0-beta.6

  • Add command-line SurrealQL REPL for quick querying of a database
  • Log username at server startup when root authentication is enabled
  • Enable SurrealDB server to be configured using environment variables
  • Implement config definition key and value caching within a transaction
  • Add array::sort functions for sorting of arrays and array fields
  • Ensure an error is returned when selecting from a non-existent table in strict mode
  • Allow polymorphic remote record constraints in DEFINE FIELD statements
  • Fix bug with SQL export, where DEFINE INDEX statements were not exported
  • Fix bug where multi-yield path expressions with multiple alias outputs were returning nested arrays
  • Fix bug where aliased field was not output when fetching a multi-yield expressions with a final alias yield

SurrealDB REPL

SurrealDB now supports the ability to start a command-line REPL to query a local or remote database from the terminal.

user@localhost % surreal sql --conn http://localhost:8000 --user root --pass root --ns test --db test

Thank you!

Thank you!

August 5, 2022

SurrealDB on Reddit Rust

SurrealDB on Reddit Rust

August 20, 2022

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