Women Who Code or One Health Tech can make a big difference by growing a community.
As you’ve heard from Caroline, community and proactive action can make a big difference! That’s why we’re thrilled to be launching our new series Women in Rust, where women can come together to explore, learn, and share our passion for Rust programming language!
You can sign up here: https://www.meetup.com/women-in-rust/
Our first hybrid event will be hosted at our London HQ and available to rewatch. This will be on Thursday 4 April, details via Meetup, we hope to see you there!
This International Womens’ Day we are also launching our new Discord channel on our SurrealDB server, women-of-surrealdb a place for women within our SurrealDB community to come together, ask questions and connect, and also share ideas and inspiration from the wider tech ecosystem.
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