
SurrealDB has been built from the ground up to be the ultimate database for developers who want to build tomorrow's applications. On this page you can find information regarding many of the features which are built into SurrealDB, alongside features and ideas which are planned for future releases of SurrealDB.
If you have an idea for SurrealDB, then we would love to hear from you.

ArchitecturePlatformData modelSurrealQLFunctionsPermissionsConnectivityToolingLibraries

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Single-node (in-memory) Complete

SurrealDB can be configured to run in a single-node memory-only runtime, enabling multi-reader, single-writer querying and data analysis. This is suitable for testing and for data which fits inside the memory capacity of a single machine.

Web browser (IndexedDB) Complete

When wanting to use SurrealDB from within the browser, the WebAssembly library has support for connecting to a remote database over HTTP or WebSockets, or running with data persistence on top of IndexedDB in the browser.

Single-node (RocksDB) Complete

When wanting persistent data storage on a single-node, on-disk storage can be used to enable larger data storage capabilities. RocksDB is optimised for high performance and fast storage on SSDs.

Single-node (SpeeDB) Complete

As an alternative to RocksDB, when running on a single machine, SpeeDB can be used for greater resource efficiency, and improved storage performance on disk.

Single-node (SurrealKV) Planned 1.X

Our own native storage engine, written in Rust will support multiple concurrent writers and readers. SurrealKV will enable versioned queries over time, enabling immutable data querying, data change auditing, historic aggregate query analysis, and versioned queries on the graph.

Distributed (SurrealKV) Future

For highly-available setups, SurrealKV will support the ability to horizontally scale to multiple terabytes of data. As a distributed cluster SurrealKV will enable versioned queries over time, enabling immutable data querying, data change auditing, historic aggregate query analysis, and versioned queries on the graph.

Distributed (FoundationDB) Complete

For highly-available and highly-scalable setups, SurrealDB can be run on top of a FoundationDB cluster, with the ability to horizontally scale to multiple terabytes of data.

Distributed (TiKV) Complete

For highly-available and highly-scalable setups, SurrealDB can be run on top of a TiKV cluster, with the ability to horizontally scale to multiple terabytes of data.


Multi-tenancy data separation Complete

Split data into namespaces and databases. There is no limit to the number of databases under each namespace, with the ability to switch between databases inside queries and transactions.

Schemafull or schemaless Complete

Store unstructured nested data with any columns, or limit data stored to only specific columns or fields. Get started quickly without having to define every column, and move to schemafull when your data model is defined.

Multi-table, multi-row transactions Complete

As a fully ACID compliant database, SurrealDB allows you to run transactions across multiple-rows, and across multiple different tables. There is no limit to the length of time a transaction can run.

Versioned temporal tables Future

Versioned temporal tables enable the option to 'go back in time' when querying your data. See how data looked before changes were made, or restore to a particular point-in-time.

Table fields Complete

When a table is defined as schemafull, only data allowed by defined fields will be stored. Table fields can be nested, and can be limited to a certain data type. VALUE clauses can be used to ensure a default value is always specified if no data is entered.

Table events Complete

Table events can be triggered after any change or modification to the data in a record. Each trigger is able to see the $before and $after value of the record, enabling advanced custom logic with each trigger.

Table indexes Complete

Table indexes improve data querying performance, and also allow for UNIQUE values in a table. Table indexes can be specified for a column, multiple columns, and have support for all nested fields including arrays and objects.

-- Specify a field on the user table
DEFINE FIELD email ON TABLE user TYPE string ASSERT string::is::email($value);

-- Add a unique index on the email field to prevent duplicate values

-- Create a new event whenever a user changes their email address
DEFINE EVENT email ON TABLE user WHEN $before.email != $after.email THEN (
	CREATE event SET user = $this, time = time::now(), value = $after.email, action = 'email_changed'

Table constraints Complete

Each defined table field supports an ASSERT clause which acts as a constraint on the data. This clause enables advanced SurrealQL statements which can ensure that the $value entered is within certain parameters. Each clause is also able to see the $before and $after value of the record, enabling advanced custom logic with each trigger.

-- Specify a field on the user table
DEFINE FIELD countrycode ON user TYPE string
	-- Ensure country code is ISO-3166
	ASSERT $value = /[A-Z]{3}/
	-- Set a default value if empty
	VALUE $value OR $before OR 'GBR'

Full text indexing and filtering Complete

The ability to define full-text indexes, with functionality to search through the full-text index on a table. Searches support field queries, configurable text analyzers, relevance matching, highlighting with offsets extraction.

-- Define a text analyzer
DEFINE ANALYZER en TOKENIZERS camel,class FILTERS snowball(English);

-- Define a search index for a field on the book table

-- Select all books who match given keywords
SELECT search::score(1) AS score, search::highlight('<b>', '</b>', 1) AS title
	FROM book WHERE title @1@ 'rust web' ORDER BY score DESC;

Vector embedding indexing Beta

Indexing of vector embeddings, with support for euclidean distance metrics. Vector embeddings can be used for similarity matching, and for advanced data analysis.

-- Add vector embedding data to record content
CREATE article:1 SET embedding = [1, 2, 3, 4];
CREATE article:2 SET embedding = [4, 5, 6, 7];
CREATE article:3 SET embedding = [8, 9, 10, 11];

-- Define a vector embedding index for a field on the article table

Pre-defined aggregate analytics views Complete

Aggregate views let you pre-compute analytics queries as data is written to SurrealDB. Similarly to an index, a table view lets you select, aggregate, group, and order data, with support for moving averages, time-based windowing, and attribute-based counting. Pre-defined aggregate views are efficient and performant, with only a single record modification being made for every write.

-- Drop all writes to the reading table. We don't need every reading.

-- Define a table as a view which aggregates data from the reading table
DEFINE TABLE temperatures_by_month AS
		count() AS total,
		time::month(recorded_at) AS month,
		math::mean(temperature) AS average_temp
	FROM reading
	GROUP BY city

-- Add a new temperature reading with some basic attributes
CREATE reading SET
	temperature = 27.4,
	recorded_at = time::now(),
	city = 'London',
	location = (-0.118092, 51.509865)

Live queries and record changes Complete

Live SQL queries allow for advanced filtering of the changes to specific documents, documents which match a particular filter, or all documents in a specific table. Live SQL queries can send the fully-updated document, or only the document changesets, by using the efficient DIFF-MATCH-PATCH algorithm for highly-performant web-based data syncing.

-- Subscribe to all matching document changes
		account = $auth.account
		OR public = true

-- Subscribe to all changes to a single record
LIVE SELECT * FROM post:c569rth77ad48tc6s3ig;

-- Stop receiving change notifications
KILL "1986cc4e-340a-467d-9290-de81583267a2";

Global parameters Complete

Global parameters can be used to store values across the database, which are then accessible to all queries.

-- Define a global parameter which will be accessible to all queries.
DEFINE PARAM $STRIPE VALUE "https://api.stripe.com/payments/new";

-- Use the defined global parameter in all queries on the database.
DEFINE EVENT payment ON TABLE order WHEN $event = 'CREATE' THEN http::post($STRIPE, $value);

Custom functions Complete

Custom functions allow for complicated or repeated user-defined code, to be run seamlessly within any query across the database. Custom functions support typed arguments, and multiple nested queries with custom logic.

-- Define a global function which can be used in any query
DEFINE FUNCTION fn::get_person($first: string, $last: string, $birthday: string) {

	LET $person = SELECT * FROM person WHERE [first, last, birthday] = [$first, $last, $birthday];

	RETURN IF $person[0].id THEN
		CREATE person SET first = $first, last = $last, birthday = $birthday


-- Call the global custom function, receiving the returned result
LET $person = fn::get_person('Tobie', 'Morgan Hitchcock', '2022-09-21');

Data model

Basic types Complete

Support for booleans, strings, and numerics is built in by default. Numeric values default to decimal based numbers, but can be stored as int or float values for 64 bit integer or 64 bit floating point precision.

Empty values Complete

Values can be NONE, or NULL. A field which is NONE does not have any data stored, while NULL values are values which are entered but empty.

Arrays Complete

SurrealDB has native support for arrays, with no limit to the depth of nesting within arrays. Arrays can contain any other data value.

Objects Complete

Embedded object types are an integral feature of SurrealDB, with no limit to the depth of nesting for objects.

Durations Complete

Any duration from nanoseconds to weeks can be stored and used for calculations. Durations can be added to datetimes, and to other durations.

Datetimes Complete

Support for dates and datetimes in ISO-8601 format are supported. All dates are converted and stored in the UTC timezone.

Geometries Complete

SurrealDB makes working with GeoJSON easy, with support for Point, Line, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLine, MultiPolygon, and Collection values. SurrealQL automatically detects GeoJSON objects converting them into a single data type.

UPDATE city:london SET
	centre = (-0.118092, 51.509865),
	boundary = {
		type: "Polygon",
		coordinates: [[
			[-0.38314819, 51.37692386], [0.1785278, 51.37692386],
			[0.1785278, 51.61460570], [-0.38314819, 51.61460570],
			[-0.38314819, 51.37692386]

Futures Complete

Values which should be computed only when outputting data, can be stored as futures. These values are stored in SurrealDB as SurrealQL code, and are calculated only when output as part of a SELECT clause.

Casting Complete

In SurrealDB, all data values are strongly typed. Values can be cast and converted to other types using specific casting operators. These include bool, int, float, string, number, decimal, datetime, and duration casts.

UPDATE product SET
	name = "SurrealDB",
	launch_at = "2021-11-01",
	countdown = <future> { launch_at - time::now() }
	waist = <int> "34",
	height = <float> 201,
	score = <decimal> 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.1

Strict typing Complete

With a strict typing system, SurrealQL ensures that document structures are easier to understand, and any data conforms to the defined record schema. Advanced types for arrays and record links, ensure that related data works in the same way as basic types.

// Ensure that a record field must be a number.
DEFINE FIELD age ON person TYPE number;

// Allow the field to be optional or a number.
DEFINE FIELD age ON person TYPE option<number>;

// Ensure that a record link is specified and of a specific type.
DEFINE FIELD author ON book TYPE record<person>;

// Allow a field to be optional and of a selection of types.
DEFINE FIELD pet ON user TYPE option<record<cat | dog>>;

// Allow a field to be one of multiple types.
DEFINE FIELD rating ON film TYPE float | decimal;

// Ensure that a field is an a array of unique values of a certain length.
DEFINE FIELD tags ON person TYPE set<string, 5>;


SELECT, CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE statements Complete

Manipulation and querying of data in SurrealQL is done using the SELECT, CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE methods. These enable selecting or modifying individual records, or whole tables. Each statement supports multiple different tables or record types at once.

-- Create a new article record with a specific id
CREATE article:surreal SET name = "SurrealDB: The next generation database";

-- Update the article record, and add a new field
UPDATE article:surreal SET time.created = time::now();

-- Select all matching articles
SELECT * FROM article, post WHERE name CONTAINS 'SurrealDB';

-- Delete the article
DELETE article:surreal;

RELATE statements Complete

The RELATE statement adds graph edges between records in SurrealDB. It follows the convention of vertex -> edge -> vertex or noun -> verb -> noun, enabling the addition of metadata to the edge record.

INSERT statements Complete

The INSERT statement resembles the traditional SQL statement, enabling users to get started quickly. It supports the creation of records using a VALUES clause, or by specifying the record data as an object.

-- Add a graph edge between user:tobie and article:surreal
RELATE user:tobie->write->article:surreal
	SET time.written = time::now()

-- Add a graph edge between specific users and developers
LET $from = (SELECT users FROM company:surrealdb);
LET $devs = (SELECT * FROM user WHERE tags CONTAINS 'developer');
RELATE $from->like->$devs UNIQUE
	SET time.connected = time::now()
INSERT INTO company {
	name: 'SurrealDB',
	founded: "2021-09-10",
	founders: [person:tobie, person:jaime],
	tags: ['big data', 'database']

INSERT IGNORE INTO company (name, founded)
	VALUES ('SurrealDB', '2021-09-10')
	ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE tags += 'developer tools'

FOR statements Complete

FOR statements enable simplified iteration over data, or for advanced logic when dealing with nested arrays or recursive functions, within code blocks or custom functions.

THROW statements Complete

The THROW statement statement can be used to return custom error types, which allow for building advanced programming and business logic right within the database and authentication engine.

FOR $person IN (SELECT VALUE id FROM person) {
		recipient: $person,
		type: "ticket",
		date: time::now(),
		event: "SurrealDB World",
FOR $user IN $input {
	IF $user.age < 18 {
		THROW "Only adults should be inserted";
	IF $user.country != 'USA' {
		THROW $user.country + " is not a valid country";

Parameters Complete

Parameters can be used to store values or result sets, and can be used as stored parameters in client code.

Subqueries Complete

Recursive subqueries are useful for advanced querying or modification of values, whilst simplifying the overall query.

Nested field queries Complete

In SurrealQL any nested array or object value can be accessed and manipulated using traditional dot notation ., or array notation [].

Maths operators Complete

Maths operators can be used to perform complex mathematical calculations directly in SurrealQL.

Geospatial operators Complete

Geospatial operators enable geospatial containment and intersection operators on geospatial types.

Set operators Complete

Advanced set operators can be used to detect whether one or multiple values are included within an array. Fuzzy matching and regex matching can also be used for advanced filtering.

-- Use mathematical operators to calculate value
SELECT * FROM temperature WHERE (celsius * 1.8) + 32 > 86.0;

-- Use geospatial operator to detect polygon containment
SELECT * FROM restaurant WHERE location INSIDE {
	type: "Polygon",
	coordinates: [[
		[-0.38314819, 51.37692386], [0.1785278, 51.37692386],
		[0.1785278, 51.61460570], [-0.38314819, 51.61460570],
		[-0.38314819, 51.37692386]

-- Select all people whose tags contain "tag1" OR "tag2"
SELECT * FROM person WHERE tags CONTAINSANY ["tag1", "tag2"];

-- Select all people who have any email address ending in 'gmail.com'
SELECT * FROM person WHERE emails.*.value ?= /gmail.com$/;

Maths constants Complete

SurrealQL has a number of built-in constants for advanced mathematical expressions and calculations, including math::E, math::FRAC_1_PI, math::FRAC_1_SQRT_2, math::FRAC_2_PI, math::FRAC_2_SQRT_PI, math::FRAC_PI_2, math::FRAC_PI_3, math::FRAC_PI_4, math::FRAC_PI_6, math::FRAC_PI_8, math::LN_10, math::LN_2, math::LOG10_2, math::LOG10_E, math::LOG2_10, math::LOG2_E, math::PI, math::SQRT_2, and math::TAU.

Expressions Complete

SurrealQL supports fetching data using dot notation ., array notation [], and graph semantics ->. SurrealQL enables records to link to other records and traverses all embedded links or graph connections as desired. When traversing and fetching remote records SurrealQL enables advanced filtering using traditional WHERE clauses.

-- Select a nested array, and filter based on an attribute
SELECT emails[WHERE active = true] FROM person;

-- Select all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level people who this specific person record knows, or likes, as separate outputs
SELECT ->knows->(? AS f1)->knows->(? AS f2)->(knows, likes AS e3 WHERE influencer = true)->(? AS f3) FROM person:tobie;

-- Select all person records (and their recipients), who have sent more than 5 emails
SELECT *, ->sent->email->to->person FROM person WHERE count(->sent->email) > 5;

-- Select other products purchased by people who purchased this laptop
SELECT <-purchased<-person->purchased->product FROM product:laptop;

-- Select products purchased by people in the last 3 weeks who have purchased the same products that we purchased
SELECT ->purchased->product<-purchased<-person->(purchased WHERE created_at > time::now() - 3w)->product FROM person:tobie;

Complex Record IDs Complete

SurrealDB supports the ability to define record IDs using arrays and objects. These values sort correctly, and can be used to store values or recordings in a timeseries context.

// Set a new parameter
LET $now = time::now();
// Create a record with a complex ID using an array
CREATE temperature:['London', $now] SET
	location = 'London',
	date = $now,
	temperature = 23.7
// Create a record with a complex ID using an object
CREATE temperature:{ location: 'London', date: $now } SET
	location = 'London',
	date = $now,
	temperature = 23.7

Record ID ranges Complete

SurrealDB supports the ability to query a range of records, using the record ID. The record ID ranges, retrieve records using the natural sorting order of the record IDs. These range queries can be used to query a range of records in a timeseries context.

-- Select all person records with IDs between the given range
SELECT * FROM person:1..1000;
-- Select all records for a particular location, inclusive
SELECT * FROM temperature:['London', NONE]..=['London', time::now()];
-- Select all temperature records with IDs less than a maximum value
SELECT * FROM temperature:..['London', '2022-08-29T08:09:31'];
-- Select all temperature records with IDs greater than a minimum value
SELECT * FROM temperature:['London', '2022-08-29T08:03:39']..;
-- Select all temperature records with IDs between the specified range
SELECT * FROM temperature:['London', '2022-08-29T08:03:39']..['London', '2022-08-29T08:09:31'];

Learning fields Future

Learning fields bring machine-learning based decision-making directly into SurrealDB. When a value is not entered directly, then the field can be automatically calculated based on the machine learning analysis of other specified columns or fields.

-- Add a field which is based on other fields when a value is not specified
DEFINE FIELD won ON opportunity TYPE boolean

-- We are specifying the 'won' field, so it will use this to learn
CREATE opportunity SET won = true, confidence = 7, person = person:valeria;

-- We are specifying the 'won' field, so it will use this to learn
CREATE opportunity SET won = false, confidence = 3, person = person:jonathan;

-- Here the 'won' field is calculated with machine learning
CREATE opportunity SET confidence = 6, person = person:steven;


Array functions Complete

Functions for manipulation, joining, and diffing of arrays are built into SurrealDB as standard.

Http functions Complete

HTTP functions can be used for remote trigger events and webhook functionality.

Math functions Complete

Math functions can be used for complex statistical analysis of numbers and sets of numbers.

Parsing functions Complete

Parsing functions can be used for parsing and extracting individual parts or urls, emails, and domains.

Rand functions Complete

Random generation functions can be used to generate random values, numbers, strings, UUIDs, and datetimes.

Search functions Complete

Functions related to the full-text search capabilities, such as calculating relevance scores or highlighting content.

String functions Complete

Functions for string manipulation enable modification and processing of strings.

Type functions Complete

Type checking functions can be used to check the type of a value, which is useful in custom function definitions.

Vector functions Complete

A collection of essential vector operations that provide foundational functionality for numerical computation, machine learning, and data analysis.

Geo functions Complete

Geospatial functions can be used for converting between geohash values, and for calculating the distance, bearing, and area of GeoJSON data types.

Time functions Complete

Time functions can be used to manipulate dates and times - with support for rounding, and extracting specific parts of datetimes.

SELECT * FROM geo::hash::encode( (-0.118092, 51.509865) );
SELECT time::floor(created_at, 1w) FROM user;

Count functions Complete

SurrealDB supports general count functionality for counting total values, or for aggregate grouping. It's also possible to count only those expressions which result in a truthy value.

Validation functions Complete

Validation functions can be used to determine that field values match a certain pattern including hexadecimal, alphanumeric, ascii, numeric, or email addresses.

SELECT count(age > 18) FROM user;
SELECT email, string::is::email(email) AS valid FROM user;

Embedded JavaScript functions Complete

Javascript functions can be used for more complex functions and triggers. Each Javascript function iteration runs with its own context isolation - with the current record data passed in as the execution context or this value.

	ratings = [
		{ rating: 6, user: user:bt8e39uh1ouhfm8ko8s0 },
		{ rating: 8, user: user:bsilfhu88j04rgs0ga70 },
	featured = function() {
		return this.ratings.filter(r => {
			return r.rating >= 7;
		}).map(r => {
			return { ...r, rating: r.rating * 10 };


Root access Complete

Root access enables full data access for all data in SurrealDB. Root access can be limited to specific IPv4 or IPv6 IP addresses.

Namespace access Complete

Namespace access enables full data access for all databases under a specific namespace. This access level is controlled using custom defined usernames and passwords.

Database access Complete

Database access enables full data access to a specific database under a specific namespace. This access level is controlled using custom defined usernames and passwords.

Scope access Complete

Scope access is the powerful functionality which enables SurrealDB to operate as a web database. Flexible authentication and access rules enable fine-grained access to tables and fields with the highest security, whilst ensuring that performance is affected as little as possible.

3rd party authentication Complete

If authentication with a 3rd party OAuth provider is desired, specific tokens can be used for authentication with SurrealDB. ES256, ES384, ES512, HS256, HS384, HS512, PS256, PS384, PS512, RS256, RS384, and RS512 algorithms are supported.

-- Enable scope authentication directly in SurrealDB
	SIGNUP ( CREATE user SET email = $email, pass = crypto::argon2::generate($pass) )
	SIGNIN ( SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = $email AND crypto::argon2::compare(pass, $pass) )
// Signin and retrieve a JSON Web Token
let jwt = fetch('https://api.surrealdb.com/signup', {
	method: 'POST',
	headers: {
		Accept: 'application/json',
		NS: 'google', // Specify the namespace
		DB: 'gmail', // Specify the database
	body: JSON.stringify({
		NS: 'google',
		DB: 'gmail',
		SC: 'account',
		email: 'tobie@surrealdb.com',
		pass: 'a85b19*1@jnta0$b&!',

Table permissions Complete

Fine-grained table permissions can be used to prevent users from accessing data which they shouldn't see. Independent permissions for selecting, creating, updating, and deleting data are supported, ensuring fine-grained control over all data in SurrealDB.

-- Specify access permissions for the 'post' table
		FOR select
			-- Published posts can be selected
			WHERE published = true
			-- A user can select all their own posts
			OR user = $auth.id
		FOR create, update
			-- A user can create or update their own posts
			WHERE user = $auth.id
		FOR delete
			-- A user can delete their own posts
			WHERE user = $auth.id
			-- Or an admin can delete any posts
			OR $auth.admin = true


REST API Complete

All tables and data can be queried using a traditional Key-Value REST API. In addition, SurrealQL statements can be submitted to the REST API for custom query logic.

## Execute a SurrealQL query
localhost % curl -X POST https://api.surrealdb.com/sql
## Interact with a table
localhost % curl -X GET https://api.surrealdb.com/key/user
localhost % curl -X POST https://api.surrealdb.com/key/user
localhost % curl -X DELETE https://api.surrealdb.com/key/user
## Interact with a record
localhost % curl -X GET https://api.surrealdb.com/key/user/tobie
localhost % curl -X PUT https://api.surrealdb.com/key/user/tobie
localhost % curl -X POST https://api.surrealdb.com/key/user/tobie
localhost % curl -X PATCH https://api.surrealdb.com/key/user/tobie
localhost % curl -X DELETE https://api.surrealdb.com/key/user/tobie

SurrealQL over WebSocket Complete

SurrealQL querying and data modification is supported over WebSockets for bi-directional communication, and real-time updates.

JSON-RPC over WebSocket Complete

Querying and data modification is available using JSON-RPC over WebSockets, enabling easier implementation of 3rd party libraries.

GraphQL querying Future

Support for querying all data using GraphQL, with embedded and remote record fetching.

GraphQL mutations Future

Support for modifying and updating any data using GraphQL, depending on permissions.

GraphQL subscriptions Future

Support for subscribing to real-time data modification events, depending on permissions.


Command-line tool Complete

The command-line tool can be used to export data as SurrealQL, import data as SurrealQL, and start a SurrealDB instance or cluster.

user@localhost % surreal

 .d8888b.                                             888 8888888b.  888888b.
d88P  Y88b                                            888 888  'Y88b 888  '88b
Y88b.                                                 888 888    888 888  .88P
 'Y888b.   888  888 888d888 888d888  .d88b.   8888b.  888 888    888 8888888K.
    'Y88b. 888  888 888P'   888P'   d8P  Y8b     '88b 888 888    888 888  'Y88b
      '888 888  888 888     888     88888888 .d888888 888 888    888 888    888
Y88b  d88P Y88b 888 888     888     Y8b.     888  888 888 888  .d88P 888   d88P
 'Y8888P'   'Y88888 888     888      'Y8888  'Y888888 888 8888888P'  8888888P'

To get started using SurrealDB, and for guides on connecting to and building applications
on top of SurrealDB, check out the SurrealDB documentation (https://surrealdb.com/docs).

If you have questions or ideas, join the SurrealDB community (https://surrealdb.com/community).

If you find a bug, submit an issue on GitHub (https://github.com/surrealdb/surrealdb/issues).

We would love it if you could star the repository (https://github.com/surrealdb/surrealdb).


Usage: surreal <COMMAND>

  start     Start the database server
  backup    Backup data to or from an existing database
  import    Import a SurrealQL script into an existing database
  export    Export an existing database as a SurrealQL script
  version   Output the command-line tool and remote server version information
  upgrade   Upgrade to the latest stable version
  sql       Start an SQL REPL in your terminal with pipe support
  is-ready  Check if the SurrealDB server is ready to accept connections [aliases: isready]
  validate  Validate SurrealQL query files
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

SQL export Complete

Export all data as SurrealQL from a SurrealDB database for backup purposes. This includes authentication scopes, tables, fields, events, indexes, and data.

SQL import Complete

Import SurrealQL into a SurrealDB database in order to restore from a backup. This includes authentication scopes, tables, fields, events, indexes, and data.

Incremental backup Future

Export all data from SurrealDB as raw binary data. This will also support incremental binary backups for efficient backing up of SurrealDB clusters.

Docker container Complete

In addition to binary releases, SurrealDB is packaged as a Docker container for easy setup and configuration. All configuration is done with the command-line options. The Docker container can be used to start a SurrealDB instance or cluster, or to import and export data.

docker run --rm --pull always -p 8000:8000 surrealdb/surrealdb:latest start

IDE language support Future

SurrealDB aims to include official language highlighting packages for Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, and Vim.

Language Server Protocol Future

SurrealDB will support the Language Server Protocol which will help with code and query completion, and error highlighting for SurrealQL.

User interface Complete

An easy-to-use interface with support for table-based views, SurrealQL querying, embedded object editing, and graph visualisation. The interface will be embedded within every SurrealDB executable.

SurrealDB Application Interface

Surrealist icon Web app Complete

The interface is available as a web app.

Surrealist icon macOS Complete

The interface is available as a desktop application for macOS powered by Tauri.

Surrealist icon Windows Complete

The interface is available as a desktop application for Windows powered by Tauri.


Rust icon Rust Available

An async-friendly SDK for Rust with bi-directional, binary communication over WebSockets or HTTP.

Golang icon Golang Available

An SDK for Golang with bi-directional communication over WebSockets or HTTP.

Python icon Python Available

An SDK for Python with bi-directional, binary communication over WebSockets or HTTP.

Javascript icon Javascript Available

An SDK for Javascript with bi-directional, binary communication over WebSockets or HTTP.

Nodejs icon Node.js Available

An SDK for Javascript with bi-directional, binary communication over WebSockets or HTTP.

Deno icon Deno Available

An SDK for Deno with bi-directional, binary communication over WebSockets or HTTP.

Webassembly icon WebAssembly Available

An SDK for Javascript with bi-directional, binary communication over WebSockets or HTTP.

Java icon Java Available

An SDK for Java with bi-directional communication over WebSockets or HTTP.

Dotnet icon .NET Beta

An SDK for .NET with bi-directional communication over WebSockets or HTTP.

C icon C Future

An SDK for C with bi-directional, binary communication over WebSockets or HTTP.

Php icon PHP Future

An SDK for PHP with bi-directional, binary communication over WebSockets or HTTP.

Swift icon Swift Future

An SDK for Swift with bi-directional communication over WebSockets.

Dart icon Dart Future

An SDK for Dart with bi-directional communication over WebSockets.

R icon R Future

An SDK for R with bi-directional communication over WebSockets.

Ruby icon Ruby Future

An SDK for Dart with bi-directional communication over WebSockets.

Erlang icon Erlang Future

An SDK for Erlang with bi-directional communication over WebSockets.

Emberjs icon Ember.js Future

A real-time, live-updating SDK for Ember.js, with authentication, model definition, embedded types, and remote fetching.

Reactjs icon React.js Future

A real-time, live-updating SDK for React.js, with authentication, model definition, embedded types, and remote fetching.

Vuejs icon Vue.js Future

A real-time, live-updating SDK for Vue.js, with authentication, model definition, embedded types, and remote fetching.

Nextjs icon Next.js Future

A real-time, live-updating SDK for Next.js, with authentication, model definition, embedded types, and remote fetching.

Angular icon Angular Future

A real-time, live-updating SDK for Angular, with authentication, model definition, embedded types, and remote fetching.

Flutter icon Flutter Future

An SDK for Flutter with bi-directional communication over WebSockets.