statementThe THROW
statement can be used to throw an error in a place where something unexpected is happening. Execution of the query will be aborted and the error will be returned to the client. While a string is most commonly seen after a THROW
statement, any value at all can be used as error output.
SurrealQL SyntaxTHROW @error
The following query shows example usage of this statement.
-- Throw an error THROW "some error message";
The following query shows the THROW
statement being used to send back a custom error to the client.
-- In this example, we throw a custom error when a user provides invalid signin details DEFINE ACCESS user ON DATABASE TYPE RECORD SIGNIN { LET $user = (SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = $username AND crypto::argon2::compare(password, $password)); IF !$user { THROW "You either provided invalid credentials, or a user with the username " + <string> $username + " might not exist."; }; RETURN $user; } DURATION FOR SESSION 1w ;
can contain any value: arrays, objects, and so on. It can even take the value of a separate SELECT
CREATE event SET time = time::now(); CREATE event SET time = time::now(); THROW SELECT * FROM event;
Response"An error occurred: [{ id: event:0hscgodgumozmmq1inz7, time: '2024-05-01T04:18:50.502Z' }, { id: event:54qknk3trimrx6ana34e, time: '2024-05-01T04:18:50.503Z' }]"
can also be used to cancel a transaction, usually inside an IF
statement checking a condition.
BEGIN TRANSACTION; LET $transfer_amount = 150; CREATE account:one SET dollars = 100; CREATE account:two SET dollars = 100; UPDATE account:one SET dollars -= $transfer_amount; UPDATE account:two SET dollars += $transfer_amount; IF account:one.dollars < 0 { THROW "Insufficient funds, would have $" + <string>account:one.dollars + " after transfer" }; COMMIT TRANSACTION; SELECT * FROM account;
Output when $transfer_amount set to 150'An error occurred: Insufficient funds, would have $-50 after transfer'
Output when $transfer_amount set to 50[ { dollars: 50, id: account:one }, { dollars: 150, id: account:two } ]