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REBUILD statement

Available since: v1.5.0

The REBUILD statement is used to rebuild resources in SurrealDB. It is usually used in relation to a specified Index to optimize performance. It is useful to rebuild indexes because sometimes M-TREE and HNSW index performances can degrade due to frequent updates.

Rebuilding the index will ensure the index is fully optimized.

Statement syntax

SurrealQL Syntax
REBUILD [ INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] @name ON [ TABLE ] @table ]

The IF EXISTS and TABLE clauses are optional.

Example usage

For example, if you have a table called book and you have an index called uniq_isbn on the isbn field, you can rebuild the index using the following query:

REBUILD INDEX uniq_isbn ON book;

Using if exists clause

Available since: v1.3.0

The following queries show an example of how to rebuild resources using the IF EXISTS clause, which will only rebuild the resource if it exists.


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