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BREAK statement

The BREAK statement can be used to break out of a loop, such as inside one created by the FOR statement.

Statement syntax

SurrealQL Syntax

Example usage

The following queries shows example usage of this statement.

Creating a person for everyone in the array where the number is less than or equal to 5:

LET $numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];

FOR $num IN $numbers {
    IF $num > 5 {

    } ELSE IF $num < 5 {
        CREATE type::thing(
            'person', $num
        ) CONTENT {
            name: "Person number " + <string>$num

Breaking out of a loop once unwanted data is encountered:

-- Data retrieved from somewhere which contains many NONE values
LET $weather = [
		city: 'London',
		temperature: 22.2,
		timestamp: 1722565566389
		city: 'London',
		temperature: 20.1,
		timestamp: 1722652002699
        city: 'Phoenix',
        temperature: 45.1,
        timestamp: 1722565642160
        city: 'Phoenix',
        temperature: 45.1,
        timestamp: 1722652070372

-- Sort the data to move the NONE values to the end
-- and break once the first NONE is reached
FOR $data IN array::sort::desc($weather) {
    IF $data IS NONE {
    } ELSE {
        CREATE weather CONTENT $data;

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