These functions can be used for generating and coercing data to specific data types. These functions are useful when accepting input values in client libraries, and ensuring that they are the desired type within SQL statements.
Function | Description |
type::array() | Converts a value into an array |
type::bool() | Converts a value into a boolean |
type::bytes() | Converts a value into bytes |
type::datetime() | Converts a value into a datetime |
type::decimal() | Converts a value into a decimal |
type::duration() | Converts a value into a duration |
type::field() | Projects a single field within a SELECT statement |
type::fields() | Projects a multiple fields within a SELECT statement |
type::float() | Converts a value into a floating point number |
type::int() | Converts a value into an integer |
type::number() | Converts a value into a number |
type::point() | Converts a value into a geometry point |
type::string() | Converts a value into a string |
type::table() | Converts a value into a table |
type::thing() | Converts a value into a record pointer |
type::range() | Converts a value into a record range |
type::record() | Converts a value into a record |
type::uuid() | Converts a value into a UUID |
type::is::array() | Checks if given value is of type array |
type::is::bool() | Checks if given value is of type bool |
type::is::bytes() | Checks if given value is of type bytes |
type::is::collection() | Checks if given value is of type collection |
type::is::datetime() | Checks if given value is of type datetime |
type::is::decimal() | Checks if given value is of type decimal |
type::is::duration() | Checks if given value is of type duration |
type::is::float() | Checks if given value is of type float |
type::is::geometry() | Checks if given value is of type geometry |
type::is::int() | Checks if given value is of type int |
type::is::line() | Checks if given value is of type line |
type::is::none() | Checks if given value is of type none |
type::is::null() | Checks if given value is of type null |
type::is::multiline() | Checks if given value is of type multiline |
type::is::multipoint() | Checks if given value is of type multipoint |
type::is::multipolygon() | Checks if given value is of type multipolygon |
type::is::number() | Checks if given value is of type number |
type::is::object() | Checks if given value is of type object |
type::is::point() | Checks if given value is of type point |
type::is::polygon() | Checks if given value is of type polygon |
type::is::range() | Checks if given value is of type range |
type::is::record() | Checks if given value is of type record |
type::is::string() | Checks if given value is of type string |
type::is::uuid() | Checks if given value is of type uuid |
The type::array
function converts a value into an array.
API DEFINITIONtype::array(array | range) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::array(1..=3); [1, 2, 3]
This is the equivalent of using <array>
to cast a value to a boolean.
The type::bool
function converts a value into a boolean.
API DEFINITIONtype::bool(bool | string) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::bool("true"); true
This is the equivalent of using <bool>
to cast a value to a boolean.
The type::bytes
function converts a value into bytes.
API DEFINITIONtype::bytes(bytes | string) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::bytes("A few bytes"); -- encoding::base64::decode("QSBmZXcgYnl0ZXM")
This is the equivalent of using <bool>
to cast a value to a boolean.
The type::datetime
function converts a value into a datetime.
API DEFINITIONtype::datetime(datetime | string) -> datetime
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::datetime("2022-04-27T18:12:27+00:00"); d"2022-04-27T18:12:27Z"
This is the equivalent of using <datetime>
to cast a value to a datetime.
The type::decimal
function converts a value into a decimal.
API DEFINITIONtype::decimal(decimal | float | int | number | string) -> decimal
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::decimal("12345"); 12345.00
This is the equivalent of using <decimal>
to cast a value to a decimal.
The type::duration
function converts a value into a duration.
API DEFINITIONtype::duration(duration | string) -> duration
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::duration("4h"); 4h
This is the equivalent of using <duration>
to cast a value to a duration.
The type::field
function projects a single field within a SELECT statement.
API DEFINITIONtype::field($field)
The following example shows this function, and its output:
CREATE person:test SET title = 'Mr', name.first = 'Tobie', name.last = 'Morgan Hitchcock'; LET $param = 'name.first'; SELECT type::field($param), type::field('name.last') FROM person; SELECT VALUE { 'firstname': type::field($param), lastname: type::field('name.last') } FROM person; SELECT VALUE [type::field($param), type::field('name.last')] FROM person; [ { id: person:test, title: 'Mr', name: { first: 'Tobie', last: 'Morgan Hitchcock', } } ]
The type::fields
function projects one or more fields within a SELECT statement.
API DEFINITIONtype::fields($fields)
The following example shows this function, and its output:
CREATE person:test SET title = 'Mr', name.first = 'Tobie', name.last = 'Morgan Hitchcock'; LET $param = ['name.first', 'name.last']; SELECT type::fields($param), type::fields(['title']) FROM person; SELECT VALUE { 'names': type::fields($param) } FROM person; SELECT VALUE type::fields($param) FROM person; [ { id: person:test, title: 'Mr', name: { first: 'Tobie', last: 'Morgan Hitchcock', } } ]
The type::float
function converts a value into a float.
API DEFINITIONtype::float(decimal | float | int | number | string) -> float
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::float("12345"); 12345.0
This is the equivalent of using <float>
to cast a value to a float.
The type::int
function converts a value into an integer.
API DEFINITIONtype::int(decimal | float | int | number | string) -> int
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::int("12345"); 12345
This is the equivalent of using <int>
to cast a value to a int.
The type::number
function converts a value into a number.
API DEFINITIONtype::number(decimal | float | int | number | string) -> number
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::number("12345"); 12345
This is the equivalent of using <number>
to cast a value to a number.
The type::point
function converts a value into a geometry point.
API DEFINITIONtype::point(array | point) -> point
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::point([ 51.509865, -0.118092 ]); -- (51.509865, -0.118092)
Available since: v2.0.0
The type::range
function converts a value into a record range. It accepts a single argument, either a range or an array with two values. If the argument is an array, it will be converted into a range, similar to casting.
API DEFINITIONtype::range(range | array) -> range<record>
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::range([1, 2]); [1..2] RETURN type::range(1..10) [1..10] RETURN type::range([1,9,4]); ['Expected a range but cannot convert [1, 9, 4] into a range']
Available since: v2.0.0
The type::record
function converts a value into a record.
API DEFINITIONtype::record(record | string, option<string>) -> range<record>
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::record("cat:one"); cat:one
The optional second argument can be used to ensure that the output is of a certain record type.
LET $good_input = "person:one"; LET $bad_input = "purrson:one"; RETURN type::record($good_input, "person"); RETURN type::record($bad_input, "person");
Output-------- Query 1 -------- person:one -------- Query 2 -------- "Expected a record<person> but cannot convert 'purrson:one' into a record<person>"
The type::string
function converts an value except NONE
, and bytes
into a string.
API DEFINITIONtype::string(any) -> string
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::string(12345); "12345"
This is the equivalent of using <string>
to cast a value to a string.
The type::table
function converts a value into a table name.
API DEFINITIONtype::table(record | string) -> string
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN [ type::table("person"), type::table(cat:one) ]; [ person, cat ]
As of version 2.0, SurrealDB no longer eagerly parses strings into record IDs. As such, the output of the last item (“dog:two”) in the following example will differ. In version 1.x, it will be eagerly parsed into a record ID after which the dog
table name will be returned, while in version 2.x it will be treated as a string and converted into the table name dog:two
RETURN [ type::table(55), type::table(cat:one), type::table("dog"), type::table("dog:two"), ];
Output (V1.x)[ `55`, cat, dog, dog ]
Output (V2.x)[ `55`, cat, dog, `dog:two` ]
The type::thing
function converts a value into a record pointer definition.
API DEFINITIONtype::thing(any, any) -> record
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
LET $tb = "person"; LET $id = "tobie"; RETURN type::thing($tb, $id);
An example of this function being used to turn an array of objects into records to be created or upserted:
FOR $data IN [ { id: 9, name: 'Billy' }, { id: 10, name: 'Bobby' } ] { UPSERT type::thing('person', $ CONTENT $data; };
An example of the same except in which the num
field is to be used as the record’s ID. In this case, it can be mapped with the array::map()
function to rename num
as id
so that the following CONTENT
clause does not create both a num
and an id
with the same value.
FOR $data IN [ { name: 'Billy', num: 9 }, { name: 'Bobby', num: 10 }, ].map(|$o| { id: $o.num, name: $ }) { UPSERT type::thing('person', $ CONTENT $data; };
If the second argument passed into type::thing
is a record ID, the latter part of the ID (the record identifier) will be extracted and used.
type::thing("person", person:mat); -- person:mat
The output of the above function call will thus be person:mat
, not person:person:mat
The type::uuid
function converts a value into a UUID.
API DEFINITIONtype::uuid(string | uuid) -> uuid
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::uuid("0191f946-936f-7223-bef5-aebbc527ad80"); u'0191f946-936f-7223-bef5-aebbc527ad80'
The type::is::array
function checks if the passed value is of type array
API DEFINITIONtype::is::array(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::array([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]); true
The type::is::bool
function checks if the passed value is of type bool
API DEFINITIONtype::is::bool(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::bool(true); true
The type::is::bytes
function checks if the passed value is of type bytes
API DEFINITIONtype::is::bytes(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::bytes("I am not bytes"); false
The type::is::collection
function checks if the passed value is of type collection
API DEFINITIONtype::is::collection(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::collection("I am not a collection"); false
The type::is::datetime
function checks if the passed value is of type datetime
API DEFINITIONtype::is::datetime(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::datetime(time::now()); true
The type::is::decimal
function checks if the passed value is of type decimal
API DEFINITIONtype::is::decimal(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::decimal(<decimal> 13.5719384719384719385639856394139476937756394756); true
The type::is::duration
function checks if the passed value is of type duration
API DEFINITIONtype::is::duration(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::duration('1970-01-01T00:00:00'); false
The type::is::float
function checks if the passed value is of type float
API DEFINITIONtype::is::float(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::float(<float> 41.5); true
The type::is::geometry
function checks if the passed value is of type geometry
API DEFINITIONtype::is::geometry(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::geometry((-0.118092, 51.509865)); true
The type::is::int
function checks if the passed value is of type int
API DEFINITIONtype::is::int(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::int(<int> 123); true
The type::is::line
function checks if the passed value is of type line
API DEFINITIONtype::is::line(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::line("I am not a line"); false
Available since: v1.1.0
The type::is::none
function checks if the passed value is of type none
API DEFINITIONtype::is::none(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::none(NONE); true
The type::is::null
function checks if the passed value is of type null
API DEFINITIONtype::is::null(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::null(NULL); true
The type::is::multiline
function checks if the passed value is of type multiline
API DEFINITIONtype::is::multiline(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::multiline("I am not a multiline"); false
The type::is::multipoint
function checks if the passed value is of type multipoint
API DEFINITIONtype::is::multipoint(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::multipoint("I am not a multipoint"); false
The type::is::multipolygon
function checks if the passed value is of type multipolygon
API DEFINITIONtype::is::multipolygon(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::multipolygon("I am not a multipolygon"); false
The type::is::number
function checks if the passed value is of type number
API DEFINITIONtype::is::number(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::number(123); true
The type::is::object
function checks if the passed value is of type object
API DEFINITIONtype::is::object(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::object({ hello: 'world' }); true
The type::is::point
function checks if the passed value is of type point
API DEFINITIONtype::is::point(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::point((-0.118092, 51.509865)); true
The type::is::polygon
function checks if the passed value is of type polygon
API DEFINITIONtype::is::polygon(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::polygon("I am not a polygon"); false
The type::is::range
function checks if the passed value is of type range
API DEFINITIONtype::is::range(any) -> bool
type::is::range(0..1); true // method syntax (0..1).is_range(); true
The type::is::record
function checks if the passed value is of type record
API DEFINITIONtype::is::record(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::record(user:tobie); true
Available since: v1.1.0
Check if user:tobie is a record on the test tableRETURN type::is::record(user:tobie, 'test'); false
The type::is::string
function checks if the passed value is of type string
API DEFINITIONtype::is::string(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::string("abc"); true
The type::is::uuid
function checks if the passed value is of type uuid
API DEFINITIONtype::is::uuid(any) -> bool
The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN
RETURN type::is::uuid(u"018a6680-bef9-701b-9025-e1754f296a0f"); true
Available since: v2.0.0
Method chaining allows functions to be called using the .
dot operator on a value of a certain type instead of the full path of the function followed by the value.
-- Traditional syntax type::is::record(r"person:aeon", "cat") -- Method chaining syntax r"person:aeon".is_record("cat");