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Geo functions

These functions can be used when working with and analysing geospatial data.

geo::area()Calculates the area of a geometry
geo::bearing()Calculates the bearing between two geolocation points
geo::centroid()Calculates the centroid of a geometry
geo::distance()Calculates the distance between two geolocation points
geo::​hash::decode()Decodes a geohash into a geometry point
geo::​hash::encode()Encodes a geometry point into a geohash
geo::is::valid()Determines if a geometry type is a geography type

Point and geometry

  • A point is composed of two floats that represent the longitude (east/west) and latitude (north/south) of a location.
  • A geometry is a type of object defined in the GeoJSON spec, of which Polygon is the most common. They can be passed in to the geo functions as objects that contain a “type” (such as “Polygon”) and “coordinates” (an array of points).


The geo::area function calculates the area of a geometry in square metres.

geo::area(geometry) -> number

The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN statement for four approximate points found on a map for the US state of Wyoming which has an area of 253,340 km2 and a mostly rectangular shape. Note: the doubled square brackets are because the function takes an array of an array to allow for more complex types such as MultiPolygon.

A map of Wyoming in the United States with four approximate points on each corner used to approximate its total surface area in SurrealDB's geo area function.
RETURN geo::area({ type: "Polygon", coordinates: [[ [-111.0690, 45.0032], [-104.0838, 44.9893], [-104.0910, 40.9974], [-111.0672, 40.9862] ]] });

If the argument is not a geometry type, then an EMPTY value will be returned:

RETURN geo::area(12345); null


The geo::bearing function calculates the bearing between two geolocation points. Bearing begins at 0 degrees to indicate north, increasing clockwise into positive values and decreasing counterclockwise into negative values that converge at 180 degrees.

A circle showing how bearing is defined from 0 degrees to 360 degrees.
geo::bearing(point, point) -> number

The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN statement:

-- LET used here for readability LET $paris = (2.358058597411099, 48.861109346459536); LET $le_puy_en_velay = (3.883428431947686, 45.04383588468415); RETURN geo::bearing($paris, $le_puy_en_velay);
A map showing the path from Paris, the capital of France, to a French town called Le Puy En Velay. The bearing is south southeast.

If either argument is not a geolocation point, then an EMPTY value will be returned:

RETURN geo::bearing(12345, true); null


The geo::centroid function calculates the centroid between multiple geolocation points.

geo::centroid(geometry) -> number

The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN statement. Note: the doubled square brackets are because the function takes an array of an array to allow for more complex types such as MultiPolygon.

RETURN geo::centroid({ type: "Polygon", coordinates: [[ [-0.03921743611083, 51.88106875736589], -- London [30.48112752349519, 50.68377089794912], -- Kyiv [23.66174524001544, 42.94500782833793], -- Sofia [ 1.92481534361859, 41.69698118125476] -- Barcelona ]] });

The return value is a mountainous region somewhere in Austria:

(13.483896437936192, 47.07117241195589)
A map showing the centroid between four points in Europe: London, Kyiv, Sofia, and Barcelona. The centroid itself is located in Austria.

If either argument is not a geometry type, then an EMPTY value will be returned:

RETURN geo::centroid(12345); null


The geo::distance function calculates the haversine distance, in metres, between two geolocation points.

geo::distance(point, point) -> number

The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN statement:

let $london = (-0.04592553673505285, 51.555282574465764); let $harare = (30.463880214538577, -17.865161568822085); RETURN geo::distance($london, $harare);
A map showing the distance in a straight line from London, the capital of the United Kingdom, to Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe

If either argument is not a geolocation point, then an EMPTY value will be returned:

RETURN geo::distance(12345, true); null


The geo::hash::decode function converts a geohash into a geolocation point.

geo::hash::decode(point) -> string

The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN statement:

RETURN geo::hash::decode("mpuxk4s24f51");
(51.50986494496465, -0.11809204705059528)

If the argument is not a geolocation point, then an EMPTY value will be returned:

RETURN geo::hash::decode(12345); null


The geo::hash::encode function converts a geolocation point into a geohash.

geo::hash::encode(point) -> string

The function accepts a second argument, which determines the accuracy and granularity of the geohash.

geo::hash::encode(point, number) -> string

The following example shows this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN statement:

RETURN geo::hash::encode( (51.509865, -0.118092) ); "mpuxk4s24f51"

The following example shows this function with two arguments, and its output, when used in a select statement:

RETURN geo::hash::encode( (51.509865, -0.118092), 5 ); "mpuxk"

If the first argument is not a geolocation point, then an EMPTY value will be returned:

RETURN geo::hash::encode(12345); null


The geo::is::valid function determines if a geometry type is a geography type. Geography types are used to store geolocation data in a Geographic Coordinate System (GCS), whereas geometry types can store geolocation data in any coordinate system, including GCS, mathematical planes, board game layouts, etc…

A geography type add the following constraint: each Point coordinates are in the range of -180° to 180° for longitude and -90° to 90° for latitude.

geo::is::valid(geometry) -> bool

The following examples show this function, and its output, when used in a RETURN statement:

A valid geography point
RETURN geo::is::valid( (51.509865, -0.118092) ); true
Out of range geometry point
RETURN geo::is::valid( (-181.0, -0.118092) ); false

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