clauseThe SPLIT
clause in SurrealQL is used to split the results of a query based on a specific field, particularly when dealing with arrays. This is useful in scenarios where you want to treat each element of an array as a separate row in the result set. It can be particularly helpful in data analysis contexts where you need to work with individual elements of an array separately.
Clause SyntaxSPLIT [ON] @field
Suppose you have a user table with a field emails that contains an array of email addresses for each user. You want to list each email address as a separate record.
Here’s how you can use the SPLIT clause in SurrealQL:
CREATE user SET name = "John Doe", emails = ["john@example.com", "doe@example.com"]; -- Split the results by each value in the emails array SELECT * FROM user SPLIT emails;
CREATE user SET ...
: This creates a user record with a name and an array of email addresses.SELECT * FROM user SPLIT emails
: This query selects all fields from the user table and splits the results based on the emails field. Each email address in the emails array is returned as a separate row in the result set.Output: The output of the query will be:
[ { "emails": "john@example.com", "id": "user:some_id", "name": "John Doe" }, { "emails": "doe@example.com", "id": "user:some_id", "name": "John Doe" } ]