Futures are values which are only computed when the data is selected and returned to the client. Futures can be stored inside records, to enable dynamic values which are always calculated when queried.
Any value or expression can be used inside a future. This value will be dynamically computed on every access to the record.
CREATE person SET accessed_date = <future> { time::now() };
Futures can be used to calculate values which dynamically change based on other fields. This value will be dynamically computed, on every access to the record, and will use the other field when it is accessed.
DEFINE FUNCTION fn::get_age($birthdate: datetime) -> int { duration::years(time::now() - $birthdate) }; CREATE person SET birthday = <datetime> "2007-06-22",can_drive = <future> { fn::get_age(birthday) >= 18 };
Futures can also dynamically access remote records, perform subqueries, or make use of graph traversal.
CREATE person SET name = 'Jason', friends = [person:tobie, person:jaime],adult_friends = <future> { friends[WHERE age > 18].name };
A future can be added to a schema definition as well.
DEFINE FIELD accessed_at ON TABLE user VALUE <future> { time::now() }; CREATE user:one; SELECT * FROM ONLY user:one; -- Sleep for one second SLEEP 1s; -- `accessed_at` is a different value now SELECT * FROM ONLY user:one;
This differs from a non-future VALUE
clause which is only calculated when it is modified (created or updated), but is not recalculated during a SELECT
query which does not modify a record.
DEFINE FIELD updated ON TABLE user VALUE time::now(); CREATE user:one; SELECT * FROM ONLY user:one; -- Sleep for one second SLEEP 1s; -- `updated` is still the same SELECT * FROM ONLY user:one;
You’ve now seen how to create dynamically computed properties on records, using either simple values, and values which depend on local and remote record fields. Take a look at the next chapter to understand how types can be cast and converted to other types.