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Enter a search query


Parameters can be used like variables to store a value which can then be used in subsequent queries. To define a parameter in SurrealQL, use the LET statement. The name of the parameter should begin with a $ character.

Defining parameters within SurrealQL

-- Define the parameter LET $suffix = "Morgan Hitchcock"; -- Use the parameter CREATE person SET name = "Tobie " + $suffix; -- (Another way to do the same) CREATE person SET name = string::join(" ", "Jaime", $suffix);
[ { "id": "person:3vs17lb9eso9m7gd8mml", "name": "Tobie Morgan Hitchcock" } ] [ { "id": "person:xh4zbns5mgmywe6bo1pi", "name": "Jaime Morgan Hitchcock" } ]

A parameter can store any value, including the result of a query.

-- Assuming the CREATE statements from the previous example LET $founders = (SELECT * FROM person); RETURN $;
[ "Tobie Morgan Hitchcock", "Jaime Morgan Hitchcock" ]

Parameters can be defined using SurrealQL as shown above, or can be passed in using the client libraries as request variables.

Defining parameters within client libraries

SurrealDB’s client libraries allow parameters to be passed in as JSON values, which are then converted to SurrealDB data types when the query is run. The following example show a variable being used within a SurrealQL query from the JavaScript library.

let people = await surreal.query("SELECT * FROM article WHERE status INSIDE $status", { status: ["live", "draft"], });

Reserved variable names

SurrealDB automatically predefines certain variables depending on the type of operation being performed. For example, $this and $parent are automatically predefined for subqueries so that the fields of one can be compared to another if necessary. Other predefined variables like $session give access to parts of the current database configuration. You should not declare new parameters of your own using the same names as the predefined variables below.

$before, $after

Represent the values before and after a mutation on a field.

CREATE cat SET name = "Mr. Meow", nicknames = ["Mr. Cuddlebun"];
UPDATE cat SET nicknames += "Snuggles" WHERE name = "Mr. Meow" RETURN $before, $after;
[ { "after": { "id": "cat:6p71csv2zqianixf0dkz", "name": "Mr. Meow", "nicknames": [ "Mr. Cuddlebun", "Snuggles" ] }, "before": { "id": "cat:6p71csv2zqianixf0dkz", "name": "Mr. Meow", "nicknames": [ "Mr. Cuddlebun" ] } } ]


Represents the currently authenticated record user.

DEFINE TABLE user SCHEMAFULL PERMISSIONS FOR select, update, delete WHERE id = $;


Represents the type of table event triggered on an event.

DEFINE EVENT user_created ON TABLE user WHEN $event = "CREATE" THEN ( CREATE log SET table = "user", event = $event, created_at = time::now() );


Represents the initially inputted value in a field definition, as the value clause could have modified the $value variable.

CREATE city:london SET population = 8900000, year = 2019, historical_data = []; INSERT INTO city [ { id: "london", population: 9600000, year: 2023 } ] ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE -- Stick old data into historical_data historical_data += { year: year, population: population }, -- Then update current record with the new input using $input population = $input.population, year = $input.year;
[ { "historical_data": [ { "population": 8900000, "year": 2019 } ], "id": "city:london", "population": 9600000, "year": 2023 } ]

$parent, $this

$this represents the current record in a subquery, and $parent its parent.

CREATE user SET name = "User1", member_of = "group1"; CREATE user SET name = "User2", member_of = "group1"; CREATE user SET name = "User3", member_of = "group1"; SELECT name, (SELECT VALUE name FROM user WHERE member_of = $parent.member_of) AS group_members FROM user WHERE name = "User1";
[ { "group_members": [ "User1", "User3", "User2" ], "name": "User1" } ]
INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES ("John Doe"), ("John Doe"), ("Jane Doe"); SELECT *, (SELECT VALUE id FROM person WHERE $ = $ AS people_with_same_name FROM person;
[ { "id": "person:hwffcckiv61ylwiw43yf", "name": "John Doe", "people_with_same_name": [ "person:hwffcckiv61ylwiw43yf", "person:tmscoy7bjj20xki0fld5" ] }, { "id": "person:tmscoy7bjj20xki0fld5", "name": "John Doe", "people_with_same_name": [ "person:hwffcckiv61ylwiw43yf", "person:tmscoy7bjj20xki0fld5" ] }, { "id": "person:y7mdf3912rf5gynvxc7q", "name": "Jane Doe", "people_with_same_name": [ "person:y7mdf3912rf5gynvxc7q" ] } ]


Represents the name of the access method used to authenticate the current session.

IF $access = "admin" THEN ( SELECT * FROM account ) ELSE IF $access = "user" THEN ( SELECT * FROM $auth.account ) ELSE [] END


Represents values from the session functions as an object.

You can learn more about those values from the security parameters section.

CREATE user SET name = "Some User", on_database = $session.db;
[ { "id": "user:wa3ajflozlqoyurc4i4v", "name": "Some User", "on_database": "database" } ]


Represents values held inside the JWT token used for the current session.

You can learn more about those values from the security parameters section.

DEFINE TABLE user SCHEMAFULL PERMISSIONS FOR select, update, delete, create WHERE $access = "users" AND email = $;


Represents the value after a mutation on a field (identical to $after in the case of an event).

DEFINE EVENT email ON TABLE user WHEN $ != $ THEN ( CREATE event SET user = $, time = time::now(), value = $, action = 'email_changed' );
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