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Enter a search query

Built-in functions

Besides basic JavaScript utilities and classes for SurrealQL types, there are a handful of utilities built into the embedded scripting functions.

async fetch(resource, options)Full fledged fetch implementation closely matching the official specification.
async query(surql)Run SurrealQL subqueries from within the embedded scripting functions.
async value(variable)Retrieve values for SurrealQL variables from within the embedded scripting functions.

async fetch(resource, options)

Full fledged fetch implementation closely matching the official specification.


For complete documentation, please refer to the MDN documentation.

resource required

Accepts either a url in a string, or a URL or Request object.


Accepts various options related to the request. Refer to MDN docs for a full reference.

RETURN function() { // List all posts const posts = fetch(''); // Update post with ID 1 const updated = fetch('', { method: 'PUT', body: JSON.stringify({ id: 1, title: 'foo', body: 'bar', userId: 1, }), headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', }, }); return { posts, updated }; }

async query(surql)

Run SurrealQL subqueries from within the embedded scripting functions.


Only subqueries can be executed with the query() function. This means that only a single query can currently be executed, and that only CRUD operations are allowed.

surql required

Accepts a single SurrealQL query, which is limited to a CRUD operation.

CREATE user:john, user:mary; RETURN function() { // Select all users const users = await surrealdb.query("SELECT * FROM user"); // Prepared query const query = new surrealdb.Query("SELECT * FROM $id", { id: new Record('user', 'mary') }); // Execute prepared query const mary = (await surrealdb.query(query))[0]; // Assign variables later to prepared query query.bind('id', new Record('user', 'john')); // Execute prepared query const john = (await surrealdb.query(query))[0]; return { john, mary }; }

async value(variable)

Retrieve values for SurrealQL variables from within the embedded scripting functions.

variable required

Accepts the path to a variable

LET $something = 123; LET $obj = { nested: 456 }; LET $arr = [ { value: 1 }, { value: 2 }, { value: 3 }, { value: 4 }, { value: 5 }, { value: 6 }, ]; RETURN function() { // Get the value for a variable const something = await surrealdb.value("$something"); // Get the value for a nested property const nested = await surrealdb.value("$obj.nested"); // Filter properties from an array const fromArray = await surrealdb.value("$arr[WHERE value > 3].value"); return { something, nested, fromArray }; }

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