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Version: 2.x(alpha)

Help command

The help command displays help information and instructions on the command-line tool and its arguments.

BEFORE YOU START : Make sure you’ve installed SurrealDB — it should only take a second!

Show the command-line help information

To see the general help information for the command-line tool, in a terminal run the surreal help command without any further arguments. This command gives general information on the other functionality which can be run with the command-line tool.

surreal help

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SurrealDB command-line interface and server

To get started using SurrealDB, and for guides on connecting to and building applications
on top of SurrealDB, check out the SurrealDB documentation (

If you have questions or ideas, join the SurrealDB community (

If you find a bug, submit an issue on Github (

We would love it if you could star the repository (


surreal [SUBCOMMAND]

-h, --help Print help information

start Start the database server
import Import a SQL script into an existing database
export Export an existing database into a SQL script
version Output the command-line tool version information
sql Start an SQL REPL in your terminal with pipe support
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)