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Applies JSON Patch changes to all records, or a specific record, in the database.

Method Syntax
$db->patch(thing, data)

NOTE: This function patches the current document / record data with the specified JSON Patch data.



The table name or the specific RecordId to patch.


The JSON Patch data with which to patch the records.

Example usage

// Update all records in a table
$people = $db->patch('person', [
[ "op" => 'replace', "path" => '/created_at', "value" => new Date() ],

// Update a record with a specific ID
$person = $db->patch(new RecordId('person', 'tobie'), [
[ "op" => 'replace', "path" => '/settings/active', "value" => false ],
[ "op" => 'add', "path" => '/tags', "value" => ['developer', 'engineer'] ],
[ "op" => 'remove', "path" => '/temp' ],

Translated query

This function will run the following query in the database.

UPDATE $thing PATCH $data;