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Applies JSON Patch changes to all records, or a specific record, in the database.

Method Syntax
async db.patch<T,U>(thing, data)

This function patches the current document / record data with the specified JSON Patch data.


thing required

The table name or the specific RecordId to patch.

data optional

The JSON Patch data with which to patch the records.

Example usage

// Update all records in a table const people = await db.patch('person', [ { op: 'replace', path: '/created_at', value: new Date() }, ]); // Update a record with a specific ID const person = await db.patch(new RecordId('person', 'tobie'), [ { op: 'replace', path: '/settings/active', value: false }, { op: 'add', path: '/tags', value: ['developer', 'engineer'] }, { op: 'remove', path: '/temp' }, ]);

Translated query

This function will run the following query in the database.

UPDATE $thing PATCH $data;

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