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Enter a search query


This method exports data for a specific Namespace and Database. To use this method, you need to be connected to a SurrealDB instance that is version >= 2.1.0.

It returns a promise that resolves to a string containing the exported SurrealQL statements that can be used to recreate the database state.

Method Syntax
db.export(options?: { tables?: string[] | boolean; functions?: boolean; })

Example usage

// Export everything const result = await db.export(); // Export specific tables only const specificTables = await db.export({ tables: ["foo", "bar"] }); // Export functions only const functionsOnly = await db.export({ functions: true, tables: false });
Example SurrealQL
// Create some data db.query(` DEFINE TABLE foo SCHEMALESS; DEFINE TABLE bar SCHEMALESS; CREATE foo:1 CONTENT { hello: "world" }; CREATE bar:1 CONTENT { hello: "world" }; DEFINE FUNCTION fn::foo() { RETURN "bar"; }; `) // Export specific tables only db.export({ tables: ["foo", "bar"], functions: true }) // Export functions only db.export({ tables: false, functions: true }) // Export nothing db.export({ tables: false, functions: false }) // Export everything db.export()