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Creates a record in the database.

Method Syntax
db.create<T,U>(thing, data)


thing required

The table name or a RecordId to create.

data optional

The document / record data to create.

Example usage

type Person = { id: string; name: string; settings: { active: boolean; marketing: boolean; }; }; // Create a record with a random ID const [person] = await db.create<Person>('person'); // Create a record with a specific ID const person = await db.create<Person>(new RecordId('person', 'tobie'), { name: 'Tobie', settings: { active: true, marketing: true, }, }); // The content you are creating the record with might differ from the return type const [record] = await db.create< Person, Pick<Person, 'name'> >( new RecordId('person', 'tobie'), { name: 'Tobie', } );

Translated query

This function will run the following query in the database.

CREATE $thing CONTENT $data;

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