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Dependency Injection

The .NET SDK also support Dependency Injection to ease the use of the SurrealDbClient in your application.

Create a new project

Let’s start by creating a new ASP.NET Core web app.

dotnet new webapp -o SurrealDbWeatherApi cd SurrealDbWeatherApi dotnet add package SurrealDb.Net

Define a Connection String

Open appsettings.Development.json and replace everything in there with the following code. We have added a new Connection String called SurrealDB with the default configuration.

{ "AllowedHosts": "*", "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning" } }, "ConnectionStrings": { "SurrealDB": "Server=;Namespace=test;Database=test;Username=root;Password=root" } }

Register services

Open Program.cs and replace everything in there with the following code. This code is using the AddSurreal() extension method to inject services automatically. Notice that all we have to do is one line of code to configure the SurrealDB client with the previously set Connection String.


By default, this function will register both ISurrealDbClient and SurrealDbClient using the Singleton service lifetime.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); var services = builder.Services; var configuration = builder.Configuration; services.AddControllers(); services.AddEndpointsApiExplorer(); services.AddSwaggerGen(); services.AddSurreal(configuration.GetConnectionString("SurrealDB")); var app = builder.Build(); if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseSwagger(); app.UseSwaggerUI(); } app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.UseAuthorization(); app.MapControllers(); app.Run();

In this example, we use a Connection String to configure services. This is the most convenient way to initialize the SurrealDbClient in your application. You can always choose to construct a Connection String manually via a SurrealDbOptionsBuilder and pass it to the AddSurreal() method.

Consume the SurrealDB client

Open WeatherForecastController.cs and replace everything in there with the following code. Finally, we can inject the ISurrealDbClient inside our Controller.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace SurrealDbWeatherApi.Controllers; [ApiController] [Route("[controller]")] public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase { private const string Table = "weatherForecast"; private readonly ISurrealDbClient _surrealDbClient; public WeatherForecastController(ISurrealDbClient surrealDbClient) { _surrealDbClient = surrealDbClient; } [HttpGet] [Route("/")] public Task<List<WeatherForecast>> GetAll(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return _surrealDbClient.Select<WeatherForecast>(Table, cancellationToken); } [HttpPost] [Route("/")] public Task<WeatherForecast> Create(CreateWeatherForecast data, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var weatherForecast = new WeatherForecast { Date = data.Date, Country = data.Country, TemperatureC = data.TemperatureC, Summary = data.Summary }; return _surrealDbClient.Create(Table, weatherForecast, cancellationToken); } // ... // Other methods omitted for brevity } public class CreateWeatherForecast { public DateTime Date { get; set; } public string? Country { get; set; } public int TemperatureC { get; set; } public string? Summary { get; set; } }

Then make sure your SurrealDB server is running on and run your app from the command line with:

dotnet run